Welcome to the November 14, 2012 CPI meeting

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the November 14, 2012 CPI meeting"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the November 14, 2012 CPI meeting
Today’s agenda includes the following items: Update on the System Office of Research – Dr. Jon Mogford, Chief Research Officer, The Texas A&M University System Update on the Office of Sponsored Research Services – Mr. Leo Paterra, Executive Director, Office of Sponsored Research Services Update on the Office of Research Development– Dr. Ann McGuigan, Assistant Vice President for Research Development, Division of Research

2 While they are only an advisory body, unable to vote on matters; by their service on committees across campus with voting ability, they end up being a group that can vote on matters at the ground level of issues. More importantly, they are helping shape the issues/policies/discussions before they come to a vote. Difference is being proactive versus reactive.

3 Assistant Vice President, Research Development
Overview of Updates Ann McGuigan, PhD Assistant Vice President, Research Development November 14, 2012 9/17/2018

4 Research Development Office of Research Development Revised Web page
Providing expert support for large, complex, proposals Bring in different skill sets, as needed Revised Web page vpr.tamu.edu/researchdevelopment Funding Opportunities Proposal Development Resources 9/17/2018

5 Research Development Internal Updates External Focus Planning Grants
International Seed Funding (Mexico, Brazil, China) Interdisciplinary Research External Focus Office of Federal Relations Research Communications 9/17/2018

6 Research Development Planned
Review Past Performance for Issues Related to Competitiveness Areas of Strength Institutional Support Other Interdisciplinary Effective Practices 9/17/2018

7 Research Development Contact Information: Ann McGuigan, PhD vpr.tamu.edu/researchdevelopment 9/17/2018

8 While they are only an advisory body, unable to vote on matters; by their service on committees across campus with voting ability, they end up being a group that can vote on matters at the ground level of issues. More importantly, they are helping shape the issues/policies/discussions before they come to a vote. Difference is being proactive versus reactive.

9 Acknowledgements Thank you for attending today’s meeting.
Copies of today’s presentation materials and a video of the meeting will be available at The next CPI meeting will be held on December 12, 2012 Rudder 601. *Activities and staff assistance for the CPI is provided through equal annual funding support by the Texas A&M University Division of Research, Texas A&M AgriLife Research, Texas A&M Health Science Center, Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station, and the Texas A&M Transportation Institute.

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