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A Renaissance Approach to Religious Paintings

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1 A Renaissance Approach to Religious Paintings
Sacred Geometry A Renaissance Approach to Religious Paintings

2 Orthogonal: An objective or imaginary line used in linear perspective for emphasis or to articulate a vanishing point.

3 Sacred Geometry…Broad Definition:
“belief system attributing a religious or cultural value to many of the fundamental forms of space and time the basic patterns of existence are perceived as sacred because in contemplating them one is contemplating the origin of all things. By studying the nature of these forms and their relationship to each other, one may gain insight into the scientific, philosophical, psychological, aesthetic and mystical laws of the universe

4 What this has to do with the Renaissance:
Christianity says that God created the patterns and is Himself the origin of all things (“intelligent design”) Humanism studies Man’s origin in order to gain insight into Man’s potential for greatness In sacred geometry art, it is orthogonals that divide a painting a certain way to show religious significance Also, the union of the Christian perspective with the humanistic perspective suggests the union of God and Man’s ambitions joining.

5 Baptism of Christ, Piero della Francesca
Circle = Heaven Rectangle = earth, matter Christ is the link between Ratio of 3:2 3 = trinity 2 = man and deity

6 Trinity by Massacio upward triangle=thanksgiving
downward triangle = receiving God’s grace upward triangle=thanksgiving

7 Annunciation by Carlo Crivelli

8 Annunciation by Carlo Crivelli

9 Sketch for Adoration of the Kings
Lots o’ orthogonals, eh?

10 The Last Supper 13 orthogonals symbolize 1 Christ plus 12 disciples

11 Crucifixion, Raphael Series of triangles with apex at the top of the cross Giving and receiving grace indicated in up and down exchange of crosses Overlying Star of David shows Jesus’ symbolism as the messiah of the Jews

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