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Six Essential Nutrients

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1 Six Essential Nutrients
Carbohydrates Water Proteins Fats Vitamins Minerals Six Essential Nutrients Nutrient Dense Foods—Foods rich in Essential Nutrients with little added sugar, sodium, additives or unhealthy fats! Nutrient filled Calories—Energy from food Essential Nutrient—Necessary to get from food to live and be healthy

2 Vitamins cont… Types: Fat-Soluble vitamins---can mix only with fat.
Can be stored in the body by the liver. The vitamins are A,D,E,K Vitamins help regulate body functions!

3 Vitamins cont… Water- Soluble vitamins---can mix only with water.
Most can’t be stored in the body – need to get often from foods. These vitamins are the B vitamins and the C vitamin. Vitamins help regulate body functions!

4 I. Minerals Minerals Do: Your body uses minerals for many processes. The mineral also become a part of the human body CELLS fluid, muscles, and BONES

5 Minerals Cont…. Good illustration of TEAM WORK
Calcium and PHOSPHORUSwork together with vitamins A & D to build strong bones and teeth. Minerals help control body functions Examples of Minerals are: Calcium Phosphorus IRON Potassium SODIUM Zinc

6 Nutrition & Wellness Vitamins & Minerals

7 A, D, E, K Fat-Soluble Vitamins
Found in the food you eat, absorbed in the blood stream, and carried throughout your body attached to fat molecules. Fat soluble vitamins can be stored by your body and do not need to be replenished on a daily basis. A, D, E, K

8 Vitamin A Nutrient Function Foods Deficiency Toxicity A
Helps keep bones, teeth, and hair healthy. Needed for good night vision Dairy, egg yolk, liver, yellow/orange & dark green fruits and vegetables. Slowed growth and bone development, poor immune system. Night blindness, dry eyes. Fatigue, vertigo, birth defects, hyper-pigmentation

9 Rickets-- (children, bowing of the legs)
Vitamin D Nutrient Function Foods Deficiency Toxicity D Helps build strong bones and teeth (helps the body absorb calcium & phosphorus) Fatty fish, Fortified milk, Egg yolk *sunlight Rickets-- (children, bowing of the legs) Depression--SAD Kidney stones hardening of arteries due to abnormally high blood calcium

10 Vitamin E Nutrient Function Foods Deficiency Toxicity E
Helps form red blood cells Helps protect cells from oxidative damage=antioxidant Sunflower seeds, mango broccoli , whole grains Impairment of immune system and brain function Skeletal muscle damage and inflammation, may interfere with Vitamin K activity

11 Vitamin K Nutrient Function Foods Deficiency Toxicity K
Critical for blood clotting. Green leafy vegetables, brussels sprouts, spring onions, asparagus, cabbage, prunes, vegetable oils, pork, liver Ineffective blood clotting and increased bleeding Not likely but it could destroy Red blood cells

12 Water-Soluble Vitamins
Found in the food you eat, absorbed in the blood stream, and carried throughout your body attached to water molecules. Surplus water soluble vitamins are excreted in the urine. We do not store these vitamins and they need to be replenished every day. C, B-Complex

13 Vitamin C Nutrient Function Foods Deficiency Toxicity C
(Ascorbic Acid) Helps build & maintain a healthy body and helps fight infections and builds strong immune system Red peppers, strawberries, broccoli, citrus fruits Weakens immune system – difficult recovering from illness. Scurvy-- bleeding gums Upset stomach (nausea) diarrhea

14 Vitamin B-Complex Nutrient Function Foods Deficiency Toxicity
Helps keep muscles and nerves healthy & helps get energy from carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Meat, poultry, watermelon, eggs, nuts Whole grains Skin rash, weakness, insomnia, fatigue, birth defects Painful tingly sensation, kidney stones

15 Calcium, phosphorus, iron,
Minerals Found in the food you eat and are elements found in the earth. Minerals become a part of our bodies. Calcium, phosphorus, iron, Potassium, sodium, zinc

16 Constipation, kidney stones
Calcium Nutrient Function Foods Deficiency Toxicity Calcium Bone and Teeth formation, overall growth, blood clotting, heart, nervous system functioning Dairy and dairy substitutes, some dark green leafy vegetables, tofu, sardines, salmon Most common cause of osteoporosis (weak bones—typically in older adults) Constipation, kidney stones

17 Phosphorus Nutrient Function Foods Deficiency Toxicity Phosphorus
Important for muscle contraction, & strong bone and teeth. Works with D & Calcium Meat, poultry, fish, eggs, milk, nuts, chocolate, tomato Can lose calcium in bones Kidney damage

18 constipation, nausea, vomiting
Iron Nutrient Function Foods Deficiency Toxicity Iron Needed for red blood cells formation & carrying O2 through the body, immune defense, brain functions. Meat, molasses, clams oysters, legumes, nuts, red meat, dark leafy green vegetables Anemia--fatigue -the person is probably not getting the proper amounts of oxygen from their red blood cells constipation, nausea, vomiting

19 Potassium Nutrient Function Foods Deficiency Toxicity Potassium
Required for growth, release of energy from food, synthesis of protein, water balance, nerve and muscle function including normal heartbeat. Potatoes, peaches, avocado, spinach, banana, mushrooms, tomato, dairy Muscle cramping and weakness Kidney and problems

20 Sodium Nutrient Function Foods Deficiency Toxicity Sodium
Regulation of water balance, pH, nerve signals, muscle contraction, and blood pressure Table salt, cured meat, cheese, processed foods (too many sources) Increases the risk of osteoporosis and decreases bone density. Low blood pressure (deficiency is RARE) high blood pressure (hypertension)

21 Zinc Nutrient Function Foods Deficiency Toxicity Zinc
Protein formation & healing wounds, growth of skin, hair, nails, strong immune system. Needed for normal taste and smell. Oysters, beef, liver, dark poultry meat, peanuts, spinach, broccoli Low birth weight during pregnancy and rough skin or prone to stretch marks Rare but could lead to anorexia and loss of appetite * Note that leafy greens (spinach, kale, etc.), bright orange/yellow (carrots, sweet potatoes, etc.), whole grains contain a lot of nutrients and will make a good answer to many questions about good sources

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