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Mining Texts for Relevant INformation

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1 Mining Texts for Relevant INformation
Lesson four Mining Texts for Relevant INformation

2 Keep these questions in mind while you read and research today.
Think of a new question or thought you’ve had about your topic and share it with your group Turn and talk! Keep these questions in mind while you read and research today.

3 When you do research, you actually read tons of things with your argument in mind
Laws about seatbelts Should school serve chocolate milk? How are these the same? How are they different? Point? As you build your own stack of research, you will have to read some things that aren’t directly related to your topic.

4 Teaching Point! Today I want to teach you that researchers read deeply about an issue, including background information, to become authorities on that issue. Whenever they read, they ask, “how might this information apply to the argument?”

5 Let’s do some research I’m thinking that maybe vitamins might help us weigh in on the schools serving chocolate milk argument. Turn and talk about what you know about chocolate milk and vitamins. What is this saying? How does it apply to the argument?

6 What is this saying? How does it apply to the argument?
Turn and talk!

7 This is saying that there are two kinds of vitamins—fat-soluble that your body can store, and water-soluble that your body can’t store, so you need those vitamins everyday.

8 So what does this article teach us?
We need a fresh supply of vitamin c everyday!! Chocolate milk has vitamin c. Drinking chocolate milk Is a way to get your vitamin c everyday!

9 So your job as a reader today is…
Conitnue to read, research and get smarter about your group’s issue. Remember to keep your questions in mind. Remember to stop and ask yourself, “What is this text saying? How might this apply to the argument?”

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