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Abdulrhman M. AlOmair Group: 4 Hypertension

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Presentation on theme: "Abdulrhman M. AlOmair Group: 4 Hypertension "— Presentation transcript:

1 Presenter: Abdulrhman M. AlOmair Group: 4 Tutor: Dr. Ayub Ali Resistant Hypertension 6.1

2 CASE SUMMARY 43-year-old woman Visits her GP Complains from abdomina l pain, constipation, nocturia and general malaise She had high BP for which she has been prescribed ACE inhibitor with Hydrochlorothiazide

3 CASE SUMMARY P\E shows she had diffuse pressure pain in the abdomen and reduced peristalsis BP is 148/112 mmHg HR is 85 min -1, her BMI is 32 Reduced Plasma Reni n Activity and Elevated Aldosterone level

4 NORMAL VALUES Blood testPatient resultNormal valueinterpretation Ca ⁺⁺ 2.3 mmol/l2.2 – 2.6 mmol/lnormal Cl ⁻ 100 mmol/l97 – 107 mmol/lnormal Na ⁺ 146 mmol/l135 -145 mmol/lSlightly Increased( hypernatremia) K ⁺ 3.2 mmol/l3.6 – 5 mmol/lDecreased (Hypokalemia) Glucose5.3 mmol/l4 - 5.5mmol/lnormal

5 LEARNING OBJECTIVES  what is resistant hypertension and what can cause it?  What is the main problem in our case?  Why the antihypertensive medications didn’t work with the patient?  Causes of patient’s abdominal pain, reduced peristalsis and constipation?  What are the effects of reduced plasma ren in activity and increased aldosterone?  Diagnosis  Treatment

6 Resistant Hypertension  Resistant Hypertension: is high blood pressure that remains uncontrolled despite treatment wit h at least three antihypertensive agents.  Causes: Drug-induced hypertension, primary hyperaldosteronism, and chronic k idney disease.

7 THE MAIN COMPLAINT The patients has abdominal p ain, constipation, nocturia an d generalized malaise. The patient’s hypertension is not improving my medications.

8 CAUSES OF PATIENT’S SYMPTOMS Sign and symptomCause Abdominal pain and constipationhypokalemia > muscle weakness and cramps > less peristalsis > constipation Nocturiacertain drugs, including diuretics hy drochlorothiazide Generalized malaiseHypokalemia Acid-base imbalance Hypertensionhigh aldosterone > increased sodium > increased volume > increased BP

9 REASON FOR UNEFFECIENT MEDICATONS Because these anti-hypertensive drugs ( Hydrochlorothiazide and ACE inhibitor) which treat the hypertension, doesn't treat the main cause of hypertension in our case

10 Effects of reduced PRA and increased aldosterone  renin–angiotensin–aldosterone system (RAAS): is a hormone system that regulates blood pressure and water (fluid) balance.

11 CONT..  renin–angiotensin–aldosterone system (RAAS):  Main stimulus: low blood pressure  Effects: Increases blood pressure and extra-c ellular volume toward normal by increasing so dium and water reabsorption.  Effects in this case: Reduced by the drugs an d by the increase in blood pressure.

12 CONT..  Aldosterone:  Main stimulus: - Increased angiotensin II in ECF - Decreased when Na+ concentration increase in ECF  Effects: Increased Na+ reabsorption and K+ excretion leading to increase in blood pressure.  Effects in this case: Elevated and can cause high blood p ressure and low potassium levels.

13 QUIZ  Increased in Aldosterone concentration in the plasma, called: A. Hyperthyroidism B. Hyperaldosteronism C. Hypercalcemia

14 Hyperaldosteronism PrimarySecondary  The problem with adrenal gland itself.  Most cases caused by a b enign adrenal tumor  Low renin  Conn’s syndrome  No abnormalities with the adrenal cortex itself  Cirrhosis  heart failure  liver disease  Elevated renin  Cushing syndrome

15 Conn’s syndrome (primary hyperaldosteronism)  It is an endocrine disorder, characterized by excessive s ecretion of the aldosterone from the adrenal glands.  This excessive aldosterone is produced by one or more benign adrenal tumors ( adenoma ).

16 Diagnosis  What are other tests we can do it to reach the final diagnosis?  PAC:PRA ratio: A high ratio of PAC to PRA suggests primary hyperaldosteronism  Captopril Suppression Test: This test measures the body's response t o captopril.

17 Diagnosis  24-hour Urinary Excretion of Aldosterone Test: Patients eat a high-salt diet for five days, and th en undergo urine Tests during a 24-hour period.  Saline Suppression Test: the patient receives a salt solution through an IV.  (CT) scan or (MRI) scan

18 Treatment  1- Surgical removal of the gland: called (adrenalectomy) it may resolve high bl ood pressure and potassium deficiency, and r eturn aldosterone levels to normal.  2- Aldosterone antagonist drugs: to block the action of aldosterone suc h as; (spironolactone).  3- Life style and diet changes

19 Complication  Problems related to Hypertension: Heart attack Heart failure Left ventricular hypertrophy Stroke kidney failure  Problems related to low potassium levels: Weakness Cardiac arrhythmias Muscle cramps Excess thirst or urination

20 QUIZ Q) What is the syndrome that the patient has? A- Cushing syndrome B- Conn’s syndrome C- Down’s syndrome Q) Decreasing of potassium below the normal levels, called: A- Hypotension B- Hypoxia C- Hypokalemia

21 SUMMARY Adrenal Adenoma (Conn’s syndrome or Primary hyperaldosteronism ) Elevated Aldosteron e (Hyperaldosteronis m) Hypernatremia, Hypokalemia and hypertension Constipation, abdominal pain, malaise and Nocturia Diagnosis & treatment



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