Operation Management

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Presentation on theme: "Operation Management"— Presentation transcript:

1 Operation Management info@casestudyhelp.in +91 94220-28822

2 Operation Management Q1.What are the objectives of purchase department? Explain briefly the purchase procedure? Q2.What are the factors to be considered for planning the lay-out of a new factory? Q3.What is waste management? Explain the importance of waste management. Q4.What are the advantages & disadvantages of different types of site location? Q5.What is power supply? What alternative power supplies are available to an industrial unit?

3 Q6.What provisions of Indian Factories Act of 1948 apply to Industrial sanitation? Explain each point clearly. Q7.Explain briefly the functions of production planning & control. Q8.What are the usual errors made in plant location selection? Q9.Explain the steps involved in maintenance job planning and scheduling Q10.Write short notes on any two of the following: (a)Material requirement planning. (b) Safety management.(c) Time study

4 www.casestudyhelp.in info.casestudyhelp@gmail.com info@casestudyhelp.in +91 94220-28822

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