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Operation Management

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1 Operation Management +91 95030-94040

2 Operation Management Q1.What is the purpose of aggregate production planning? When is aggregated planning most useful? Explain. Q2.Explain in general terms how a safety stock level is determined using customer service level. Q3.Discuss how a quality-management program can affect productivity. Q4.Select three service companies or organizations you are familiar with and indicate how process control charts could be used in each.

3 Q5.Explain the various factors that are to be taken into account for plant location. Discuss in connection with setting up an Automobile industry. Q6.Explain the term 'Break-even analysis'. Draw imaginary BEP chart and briefly describe its merits and demerits. Q7.Define.Purchase Systems.. What are the common objectives of the purchasing function? Q8.Explain the role of production manager.

4 +91 95030-94040

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