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Supervision & Progressive Discipline

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Presentation on theme: "Supervision & Progressive Discipline"— Presentation transcript:

1 Supervision & Progressive Discipline
Evelyn Alvarez Amanda Holder November 18, 2016


3 The best part of being a leader. Dealing with people
The best part of being a leader? Dealing with people! The worst part of being a leader? DEALING WITH PEOPLE!

4 Objectives Define the role of a supervisor
Explain the steps of progressive discipline Terminations done the right way

5 What is a Supervisor?

6 What is Supervision? Oversee the performance of employees
Offer guidance and direction Commend strong performance Use progressive discipline as needed

7 Components of Effective Supervision
Give employees clear and defined expectations of the job Demonstrate respect Inspire trust BE SUPPORTIVE!

8 Acts of Kindness…they are contagious!
Go out of your way to say thank you Give credit and compliments Encourage excellence by work and deed


10 How to handle that bad apple in the barrel?
Ever felt frustrated when faced with that same old troublesome situation with an employee? Ever felt like you didn’t have the management tools to handle the situation? Now you do…. PROGRESSIVE DISCIPLINE!

11 What is Progressive Discipline?
For discipline to be progressive, each related event or incident must trigger a response that has more severe penalties. A supervisor must make employee aware of the behavior and give the opportunity to change.

12 Principles Surrounding Discipline
Corrective Fair & Consistent Progressive Due Process

13 Let’s take a 10 minute break!

14 Progressive Discipline Steps

15 Oral Warning Be specific Focus on the problem, not the person
Indicate how negative behavior affects team and clients/individuals Stress expectations for improvement Explain possible ramifications if behavior does not change Document meeting

16 How to Compose Written Warnings
Describe problem Who, What, Where, When, & Why Refer to any prior informal discussions or reminders about the issue Describe specific changes needed to improve behavior Indicate consequences of failure to change Must be signed by supervisor & employee Witness signature required with employee refusal to sign Submit warning to HR for personnel file

17 How to Present a Written Warning
Ensure privacy Have a witness Review document Allow for response Offer assistance Be supportive Discuss consequences


19 Progressive Discipline Do’s
Investigate each incident regardless of how it first appears Select appropriate time & place to meet privately with the employee Allow the employee to explain his/her understanding of incident LISTEN! Present the disciplinary action in a calm manner

20 Suspension Policies Definition: Temporary removal of an
employee from their position. HeartShare Policies: Applicable in certain situations of misconduct Protective measure in allegations of client/consumer abuse Penalty for violations of employee policies and procedures

21 Terminations Done the Right Way Must…
Be discussed with HR Be approved by director & department head Be done in private Include a witness Never be a surprise to an employee Include a discussion on the employee appeal/grievance process


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