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Joints, muscles and action of the wrist and the hand

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1 Joints, muscles and action of the wrist and the hand
Dr. Szuák András ÁOK

2 Joints radiocarpal (aka. wrist) midcarpal carpometacarpal
metacarpophalangeal interphalangeal proximal distal

3 Radiocarpal joint radius+articular disc – scaphoid+lunate+triquetrum
main ligaments: radial collateral lig. of wrist joint ulnar collateral lig. of wrist joint palmar radiocarpal dorsal radiocarpal U

4 Movements ellipsoidal joint (2 axes) radial – ulnar abduction
palmar flexion - dorsiflexion

5 Midcarpal joints proximal – distal row main ligaments:
radiate carpal pisohamate palmar/interosseus/dorsal intercarpal movements: none, only with the wrist

6 Carpometacarpal joints (except 1st)
distal row – base of metacarpals main ligmanets: palmar/dorsal carpometacarpal palmar/interosseus/dorsal metacarpal movements: none

7 1st carpometacarpal joint
trapezium - 1st metacarpal (saddle joint – 2 axes) movements: abduction – adduction opposition - reposition

8 Metacarpophalangeal joints
head of metacarpals – base of prox. phalanges ligaments: palmar collateral (deep transverse metacarpal ligament) movements: (ball-and-socket joints) flexion – extension abduction – adduction rotation (passive)

9 Interphalangeal joints
head – base of phalanges ligaments palmar collateral movements: (hinge joint 1 axis) flexion – extension

10 Carpal tunnel Ulnar canal flexor retinaculum scaphoid & trapezium
Content: -ulnar artery -ulnar nerve flexor retinaculum pisiform & hook of hamate scaphoid & trapezium carpal bones Content: -flex. digitorum superficialis -flex. digitorum profundus -flex. pollicis longus -flex. carpi radialis -median nerve

11 flexor digitorum profundus
flexor digitorum superficialis vincula tendineum

12 The extensors… 3 2 4 5 1 6 abductor pollicis longus and
extensor pollicis brevis extensor carpi radialis longus and ext. carpi rad. brevis extensor pollicis longus extensor digitorum and ext. indicis 5. extensor digiti minimi 6. extensor carpi ulnaris 3 2 4 5 1 6

13 Muscles, which move the wrist

Live long and prosper. - Spock HYPOTHENAR THENAR

15 Thenar abductor pollicis brevis opponens pollicis
flexor pollicis brevis superficial head deep head adductor pollicis transverse head oblique head median nerve ulnar nerve

16 Hypothenar abductor digiti minimi opponens digiti minimi
flexor digiti minimi ulnar nerve palmaris brevis

17 Mesothenar lumbricals - 2 radial – median nerve, 2 ulnar – ulnar nerve
interossei - ulnar nerve dorsal (abduction) palmar (adduction)

18 Thank you for your attention!

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