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Unit 12: Abnormal Behavior

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 12: Abnormal Behavior"— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 12: Abnormal Behavior

2 Unit 12 - Overview Introduction to Psychological Disorders
Anxiety Disorders, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, and Posttraumatic Stress Disorders Mood Disorders Schizophrenia Other Disorders Click on the any of the above hyperlinks to go to that section in the presentation.

3 Module 65: Introduction to Psychological Disorders


5 Introduction How should we define psychological disorders?
How should we understand disorders? How should we classify psychological disorders?

6 Defining Psychological Disorders

7 Defining Psychological Disorders
Disturbed behavior Dysfunctional behavior Maladaptive behavior Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

8 Understanding Psychological Disorders

9 Understanding Psychological Disorders The Medical Model
Philippe Pinel Medical model Mental illness (psychopathology)

10 Understanding Psychological Disorders The Biopsychosocial Approach
Interaction of nature and nurture Influence of culture on disorders

11 Classifying Psychological Disorders

12 Classifying Psychological Disorders
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) DSM-5 Diagnostic labels Criticisms of the DSM

13 Labeling Psychological Disorders

14 Labeling Psychological Disorders
Rosenhan’s study Power of labels Preconception can stigmatize Stereotypes of the mentally ill Insanity

15 Rates of Psychological Disorders

16 Rates of Psychological Disorders


18 Module 66: Anxiety Disorders, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder


20 Anxiety Disorders Anxiety disorder Generalized anxiety disorder
Panic disorders Phobias

21 Generalized Anxiety Disorder

22 Generalized Anxiety Disorder
2/3 women Continual worry, jittery, agitated and sleep deprived Free floating anxiety

23 Panic Disorder

24 Panic Disorder Panic disorder Panic attacks

25 Phobias

26 Specific Phobia Phobias Specific phobia Social anxiety disorder

27 Specific Phobia

28 Phobias

29 Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders

30 Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
An obsession versus a compulsion Checkers Hand washers

31 Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

32 Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

33 Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

34 Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

35 Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

36 Trauma Stressor and Related Disorders

37 Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
PTSD “shellshock” or “battle fatigue” Not just due to a war situation Post-traumatic growth

38 Understanding Anxiety Disorders, OCD and PTSD

39 Understanding Anxiety Disorders, OCD and PTSD The Learning Perspective
Classical and operant conditioning Stimulus generalization Reinforcement Observational learning Cognition

40 Natural selection Genes The Brain Anxiety gene Glutamate
Understanding Anxiety Disorders, OCD and PTSD The Biological Perspective Natural selection Genes Anxiety gene Glutamate The Brain Anterior cingulate cortex

41 Module 67: Depressive and Bipolar Disorders


43 Depressive Disorders

44 Major Depressive Disorder
Problems regulating appetite Problems regulating sleep Low energy Low self-esteem Difficulty concentrating and making decisions Feelings of hopelessness Persistent depressive disorder











55 Bipolar and Related Disorders

56 Bipolar Disorder Bipolar Disorder Mania (manic)
Overtalkative, overactive, elated, little need for sleep, etc. Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder Bipolar disorder and creativity

57 Understanding Depressive and Bipolar Disorders

58 Understanding Depressive and Bipolar Disorders
Many behavioral and cognitive changes accompany depression Depression is widespread Women’s risk of major depression is nearly double men’s Most major depressive episodes self-terminate Stressful events related to work, marriage and close relationships often proceed depression With each new generation, depression is striking earlier and affecting more people

59 Understanding Depressive and Bipolar Disorders

60 Biochemical influences
Understanding Depressive and Bipolar Disorders The Biological Perspective Genetic Influences Mood disorders run in families Heritability Linkage analysis The depressed brain Biochemical influences Norepinephrine and serotonin

61 Understanding Depressive and Bipolar Disorders The Biological Perspective

62 Understanding Depressive and Bipolar Disorders The Biological Perspective

63 Understanding Depressive and Bipolar Disorders The Biological Perspective

64 Understanding Depressive and Bipolar Disorders The Biological Perspective

65 Negative Thoughts and Moods Interact
Understanding Depressive and Bipolar Disorders The Social-Cognitive Perspective Negative Thoughts and Moods Interact Self-defeating beliefs Learned helplessness Rumination Explanatory style Stable, global, internal explanations Cause versus indictor of depression?











76 Understanding Depressive and Bipolar Disorders The Social-Cognitive Perspective: Depression’s Vicious Cycle

77 Understanding Depressive and Bipolar Disorders The Social-Cognitive Perspective: Depression’s Vicious Cycle

78 Understanding Depressive and Bipolar Disorders The Social-Cognitive Perspective: Depression’s Vicious Cycle

79 Understanding Depressive and Bipolar Disorders The Social-Cognitive Perspective: Depression’s Vicious Cycle

80 Module 68: Schizophrenia Spectrum


82 Symptoms of Schizophrenia

83 Symptoms of Schizophrenia
Schizophrenia (split mind) Not multiple personalities Psychosis (psychotic disorder)

84 Disorganized thinking
Symptoms of Schizophrenia Disorganized Thinking and Disturbed Perceptions Disorganized thinking Delusions Delusions of persecution (paranoid) Word Salad Hallucinations Breakdown in selective attention

85 Symptoms of Schizophrenia Diminished and Inappropriate Emotions
Flat affect Inappropriate Actions Catatonia Disruptive social behavior

86 Onset and Development of Schizophrenia

87 Onset and Development of Schizophrenia
Statistics on schizophrenia Onset of the disease Positive versus negative symptoms Chronic (process) schizophrenia Acute (reactive) schizophrenia

88 Understanding Schizophrenia

89 Understanding Schizophrenia Brain Abnormalities: Dopamine Overactivity
Dopamine – D4 dopamine receptor Dopamine blocking drugs Glutamate

90 Abnormal Brain Activity and Anatomy
Understanding Schizophrenia Brain Abnormalities: Abnormal Brain Activity and Anatomy Abnormal Brain Activity and Anatomy Frontal lobe and core brain activity Fluid filled areas of the brain

91 Maternal Virus During Pregnancy
Understanding Schizophrenia Brain Abnormalities: Maternal Virus During Midpregnancy Maternal Virus During Pregnancy Studies on maternal activity and schizophrenia Influence of the flu during pregnancy

92 Understanding Schizophrenia Genetic Factors
Genetic predisposition Twin studies

93 Understanding Schizophrenia Psychological Factors
Possible warning signs Mother severely schizophrenic Birth complications (low weight/oxygen deprivation) Separation from parents Short attention span Disruptive or withdrawn behavior Emotional unpredictability Poor peer relations and solo play

94 Module 69: Other Disorders


96 Somatic Symptom and Related Disorders

97 Somatic Symptom and Related Disorders
Somatic symptom disorder Somatic (body) Conversion disorder Functional neurological symptom disorder Illness anxiety disorder Hypochondriasis

98 Dissociative Disorders

99 Dissociative Disorders
Fugue state Dissociate (become separated)

100 Dissociative Disorders Dissociative Identity Disorder
Dissociative identity disorder (DID) Multiple personality disorder

101 Dissociative Disorders Understanding Dissociative Identity Disorder
Genuine disorder or not? DID rates Therapist’s creation Differences are too great DID and other disorders

102 Feeding and Eating Disorders

103 Feeding and Eating Disorders
Anorexia nervosa Bulimia nervosa Binge eating disorder

104 Personality Disorders

105 Personality Disorders
Cluster A Schizoid personality disorder Cluster B Histrionic personality disorder Narcissistic personality disorder Antisocial personality disorder Cluster C Avoidant personality disorder

106 Personality Disorders Antisocial Personality Disorder
Sociopath or psychopath Understanding antisocial personality disorder

107 The End

108 Teacher Information Types of Files Animation
This presentation has been saved as a “basic” Powerpoint file. While this file format placed a few limitations on the presentation, it insured the file would be compatible with the many versions of Powerpoint teachers use. To add functionality to the presentation, teachers may want to save the file for their specific version of Powerpoint. Animation Once again, to insure compatibility with all versions of Powerpoint, none of the slides are animated. To increase student interest, it is suggested teachers animate the slides wherever possible. Adding slides to this presentation Teachers are encouraged to adapt this presentation to their personal teaching style. To help keep a sense of continuity, blank slides which can be copied and pasted to a specific location in the presentation follow this “Teacher Information” section.

109 Teacher Information Unit Coding
Just as Myers’ Psychology for AP 2e is color coded to the College Board AP Psychology Course Description (Acorn Book) Units, so are these Powerpoints. The primary background color of each slide indicates the specific textbook unit. Psychology’s History and Approaches Research Methods Biological Bases of Behavior Sensation and Perception States of Consciousness Learning Cognition Motivation, Emotion, and Stress Developmental Psychology Personality Testing and Individual Differences Abnormal Psychology Treatment of Abnormal Behavior Social Psychology

110 Teacher Information Hyperlink Slides - This presentation contain two types of hyperlinks. Hyperlinks can be identified by the text being underlined and a different color (usually purple). Unit subsections hyperlinks: Immediately after the unit title and module title slide, a page can be found listing all of the unit’s subsections. While in slide show mode, clicking on any of these hyperlinks will take the user directly to the beginning of that subsection. Bold print term hyperlinks: Every bold print term from the unit is included in this presentation as a hyperlink. While in slide show mode, clicking on any of the hyperlinks will take the user to a slide containing the formal definition of the term. Clicking on the “arrow” in the bottom left corner of the definition slide will take the user back to the original point in the presentation. These hyperlinks were included for teachers who want students to see or copy down the exact definition as stated in the text. Most teachers prefer the definitions not be included to prevent students from only “copying down what is on the screen” and not actively listening to the presentation. For teachers who continually use the Bold Print Term Hyperlinks option, please contact the author using the address on the next slide to learn a technique to expedite the returning to the original point in the presentation.

111 Teacher Information Continuity slides
Throughout this presentation there are slides, usually of graphics or tables, that build on one another. These are included for three purposes. By presenting information in small chunks, students will find it easier to process and remember the concepts. By continually changing slides, students will stay interested in the presentation. To facilitate class discussion and critical thinking. Students should be encouraged to think about “what might come next” in the series of slides. Please feel free to contact me at with any questions, concerns, suggestions, etc. regarding these presentations. Kent Korek Germantown High School Germantown, WI 53022

112 Division title (red print) subdivision title (blue print)

113 Division title (red print in text) subdivision title (blue print in text)
Use this slide to add a table, chart, clip art, picture, diagram, or video clip. Delete this box when finished

114 Definition Slide = add definition here

115 Definition Slides

116 Psychological Disorder
= a syndrome marked by a clinically significant disturbance in an individual’s cognition, emotion regulation, or behavior.

117 Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
= a psychological disorder marked by the appearance by age 7 of one or more of three key symptoms; extreme inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity.

118 Medical Model = the concept that diseases, in this case psychological disorders, have physical causes that can be diagnosed, treated, and, in most cases, cured often through treatment in a hospital.

119 DSM-5 = the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition; a widely used system for classifying psychological disorders.

120 Anxiety Disorders = psychological disorders characterized by distressing, persistent anxiety or maladaptive behaviors that reduce anxiety.

121 Generalized Anxiety Disorder
= an anxiety disorder in which a person is continually tense, apprehensive, and in a state of autonomic nervous system arousal.

122 Panic Disorder = an anxiety disorder marked by unpredictable minutes-long episodes of intense dread in which a person experiences terror and accompanying chest pain, choking, or other frightening sensations. Often followed by worry over a possible next attack.

123 Phobia = an anxiety disorder marked by a persistent, irrational fear and avoidance of a specific object, activity, or situation.

124 Social Anxiety Disorder
= intense fear of social situations, leading to avoidance of such. (Formerly called social phobia)

125 Agoraphobia = fear or avoidance of situations, such as crowds or wide open spaces, where one has felt loss of control and panic.

126 Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
= a disorder characterized by unwanted repetitive thoughts (obsessions) and/or actions (compulsions).

127 Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
= a disorder characterized by haunting memories, nightmares, social withdrawal, jumpy anxiety, numbness of feeling, and/or insomnia that lingers for four weeks or more after a traumatic experience.

128 Post-Traumatic Growth
= positive psychological changes as a result of struggling with extremely challenging circumstances and life crises.

129 Mood Disorders = psychological disorders characterized by emotional extremes.

130 Major Depressive Disorder
= a mood disorder in which a person experiences, in the absence of drugs or a another medical condition, two or more weeks with five or more symptoms, at least one of which must be either (1) depressed mood, or (2) lost of interest or pleasure.

131 Mania = a mood disorder marked by a hyperactive, wildly optimistic state.

132 Bipolar Disorder = a mood disorder in which a person alternates between the hopelessness and lethargy of depression and the overexcited state of mania. (formerly called manic-depressive disorder.)

133 Rumination = compulsive fretting; overthinking about our problems and their causes.

134 Schizophrenia = a group of severe disorders characterized by delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, and/or diminished or inappropriate emotional expression.

135 Psychosis = a psychological disorder in which a person loses contact with reality, experiencing irrational ideas and distorted perceptions.

136 Delusions = false beliefs, often of persecution or grandeur, that may accompany psychotic disorders.

137 Hallucinations = false sensory experience, such as seeing something in the absence of an external visual stimulus.

138 Somatic Symptom Disorder
= psychological disorder in which the symptoms take a somatic (bodily) form without apparent physical cause.

139 Conversion Disorder = a disorder in which a person experiences very specific genuine physical symptoms for which no psychological basis can be found. (Also called functional neurological symptom disorder)

140 Illness Anxiety Disorder
= a disorder in which a person interprets normal physical sensations as symptoms of the disease. (Formerly called hypochondriasis)

141 Dissociative Disorders
= disorders in which conscious awareness becomes separated (dissociated) from previous memories, thoughts, and feelings.

142 Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID)
= a rare dissociative disorder in which a person exhibits two or more distinct and alternating personalities. Formerly called multiple personality disorder.

143 Anorexia Nervosa = an eating disorder in which a person (usually an adolescent female) maintains a starvation diet despite being significantly (15 percent or more) underweight.

144 Bulimia Nervosa = an eating disorder in which a person alternates binge eating (usually of high-calorie foods) with purging (by vomiting or laxative use), excessive exercise, or fasting.

145 Binge-Eating Disorder
= significant binge-eating episodes, followed by distress, disgust, or guilt, but without the compensatory purging, fasting, or excessive exercise that marks bulimia nervosa.

146 Personality Disorders
= psychological disorders characterized by inflexible and enduring behavior patterns that impair social functioning.

147 Antisocial Personality Disorder
= a personality disorder in which a person (usually a man) exhibits a lack of conscience for wrongdoing, even toward friends and family members. May be aggressive and ruthless or a clever con artist.

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