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Presentation on theme: "POETRY THE RULES."— Presentation transcript:


2 POETRY – write your own definition
Poetry is a type of literature in which words are chosen and arranged to create a certain effect.

3 YOUR TASK Present a school appropriate poem or song lyrics to the class. Analyze thoroughly the poetic devices in the poem by showing how they help convey meaning. Interpret both the literal and non-literal meaning in the poem correctly and with insight. Organize the 2-5 minute lesson in such a way that you effectively convey your interpretation. Demonstrate stage presence through your posture, gestures, facial expression, and eye contact. Speak throughout with effective volume, clarity, pace, energy, and conviction. Generate audience rapport and interest so that they learn from what you say. Display your poem with a clear, effective visual that makes your lesson easy to follow.

4 YOUR TASK (CONTINUED) Tell how it makes you feel (mood or tone).
Begin by telling the class why you chose to teach this poem/song. State the subject (literally what the poem/song is about). Summarize it. Tell how it makes you feel (mood or tone). Say that the author uses the literary devices of __, __ , and __ . Explain the theme (message) that the author is ultimately trying to say (tell what he/she is trying to say through this poem/song). The theme should be a one sentence thesis-like statement. The body of your lesson should walk the class through an interpretation of the deeper meanings in the poem/song.

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