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The Recycling Route How to efficiently recycle when your event is on the move Green Event Workshop – November 18, 2016 Tom Schuster, City of Rosemount.

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Presentation on theme: "The Recycling Route How to efficiently recycle when your event is on the move Green Event Workshop – November 18, 2016 Tom Schuster, City of Rosemount."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Recycling Route How to efficiently recycle when your event is on the move
Green Event Workshop – November 18, Tom Schuster, City of Rosemount Parks Supervisor, Parks and Recreation

2 Parade Recycling


4 Recycling bins along route

5 Parade Route set up

6 Collection along the parade route

7 Collection along the parade route


9 Water Station at the end of the parade route


11 Parade Staging

12 Staging area

13 Waste sort after event

14 Challenges Lack of existing recycling infrastructure.
Event takes place over a large area. Requires lots of bins. Requires quick set up and take down. Lots of very small trash items – candy wrappers, etc. May be concurrent with other events. Little or no control over waste stream. All trash and recycling must be brought somewhere else. Since we have so little control over waste stream, a waste sort is recommended.

15 Opportunities Recycling is becoming more common and accepted.
The “temporary” nature of the collection bins helps reinforce the importance of recycling. Parade recycling is a good opportunity for large groups of volunteers. Parades have a start and an end spot – put lots of bins here. Promoting recycling is as important as the amount actually collected.

16 Races - Marathons

17 Races - Marathons

18 At run events, we have better control of the waste stream.


20 We can target our recycling efforts on the items that we provide

21 Using billboards allows us to customize our message, targeting the items we hope to recycle.

22 Waste station at the beginning and end of run route.

23 Waste stations must be monitored.

24 Sorted materials heading to their dumpsters

25 Sorted materials after our event

26 Challenges Lack of existing recycling infrastructure.
Matching the number of waste stations to the size of the crowd. The event is spread over a long route. Collection of materials along the route. Participators come in waves. Monitoring waste stations. Getting sorted materials to dumpster site. Preventing contamination once sorted materials reach dumpster site.

27 Opportunities Recycling is becoming more common and accepted.
Cooperative race participants. Control over items provided. Waste stations are concentrated so monitoring is easier. Races have a start and an end spot – put lots of bins here.

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