Mrs. Moraitis Welcomes you to Second Grade!.

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Moraitis Welcomes you to Second Grade!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Moraitis Welcomes you to Second Grade!

2 A Teacher's Philosophy I have come to a frightening conclusion. I am the decisive element in the classroom. It is my personal approach that creates the climate. It is my daily mood that makes the weather. As a teacher I possess tremendous power to make a child’s life miserable or joyous. I can be a tool of torture or an instrument of inspiration. I can humiliate or humor, hurt or heal. In all situations it is my response that decides whether a crisis will be escalated or deescalated, and a child humanized or dehumanized. Haim Ginott

3 Conflict Resolution Program
Classroom Rights I have a right to be treated with compassion in this room: This means that no one will laugh at me or hurt my feelings. I have a right to be myself in this room: That means that no one will treat me unfairly because I am black or white, fat or thin, tall or short, boy or girl. I have a right to be safe in the room: This means that no one will hit me, kick me, push me, pinch me, or hurt me. I have a right to hear and be heard in this room: This means that no one will yell, scream, shout, or make loud noises. I have a right to learn about myself in this room: This means that I will be free to express my feelings and opinions without being interrupted or punished. Conflict Resolution Program & Bullying Policy

4 Go Math Program Our Go Math program is designed to enable children in elementary grades to learn more mathematical content and become life-long mathematical thinkers. Multiple methods and strategies for problem solving are integrated throughout the program. Students are given a “toolbox” of manipulatives to explore and use during daily routines. This hands- on approach makes mathematics meaningful to children through real world problems and applications.

5 Token System & Class Store
In an effort to make your child more accountable for his/her academic and social behavior, I have implemented a token economy within my classroom. Students receive 50 tokens per day (in theory) for displaying positive classroom and school wide behaviors. I keep a weekly record of token totals. Through the use of this system, students will practice mathematical and economic skills by making a purchase from my classroom store. They will have the opportunity to make monetary decisions, utilize their purchasing power, or save for a more expensive item. This incorporates pertinent concepts that are addressed in our math, social studies, and family life (character education) programs.

6 My policy is to assign homework on Monday – Thursday
My policy is to assign homework on Monday – Thursday. It is checked on a daily basis. Homework is posted on the Internet on a daily basis. You can check assignments by going to Choose GW School. Sign in to our new website, click ‘Classroom Teachers’, and then click on my name. HOMEWORK All projects and reports are assigned well in advance. Due dates are posted on my Homework Board. Rubrics are provided in advance for most projects.

7 We have a very challenging second grade curriculum that is designed to help all students reach their fullest potential. The goal of our Language Arts Literacy Initiative is to help students grow into independent, proficient readers and writers. It is our belief that strong readers and writers will excel in all subject areas. Our approach to writing parallels much of what the National Writing Project proposes ( and our approach to reading matches what Lucy Calkins from the Reading and Writing Project at Teachers College, Columbia University ( articulates. L.A.L. CURRICULUM

8 Differentiated Learning
GW’s philosophy is to integrate differentiated learning into the classroom. The concept of differentiated learning is to focus on the needs of individual learning styles by providing instruction and assessment through different modalities. This concept is enhanced by our math series. This type of skills-based learning is also highlighted in our Reading Program.  

9 Classroom and Birthday Parties
Classroom parties are permitted during the school year, (Halloween, before holiday break in December, etc.) but we must keep in mind that some students have food allergies and remember that both EVG and GW Schools are “peanut and tree nut free” school. Please let me know if your child has any food allergy or any other allergy. Birthday parties are also welcome in our classroom if you follow the healthy food policy. (A copy of this letter is in your Parent Handbook.) All food items must be approved by our school nurse. Please check in with the main office and they will put you in touch with our nurse. Invitations to out-of-school birthday parties cannot be distributed from my classroom Additional Information: I am only allowed to give out class lists with first names only. Birthday favor party bags should not include gum or candy. I am not allowed to forward a letter to another parent from another parent.

10 Non Report Card Grading System
= VG = G = S = N Below 60 = U

11 Second Grade Report Card
Evaluation Key for the 10 Common Core Academic Areas: 1. English Language Arts Reading 2. Foundation Skills 3. Writing 4. Speaking/Listening 5. Mathematics, 6. Demonstrates Automaticity 7. Science 8. Social Studies 9. Family Life (P=Pass) 10. Digital Citizenship (Miss Gash) 4 = Exceeding Learning Standards: Student performance demonstrates an understanding of the knowledge and skills beyond expectations and consistently shows evidence of higher level thinking. 3 = Meeting Learning Standards: Student performance demonstrates a thorough understanding of the knowledge and skills expected at this grade level. 2 = Approaching Learning Standards: Student performance demonstrates a partial understanding of the knowledge and skills expected at this grade level. 1 = Not Meeting Learning Standards: Student performance does not demonstrate an understanding of the knowledge and skills expected at this grade level. N/A = Area Not Evaluated at this Time

12 Second Grade Report Card
READING English Language Arts Determines key ideas and details of text Analyzes text and illustrations for inferential meaning Recognizes craft and structure of text Compares the similarity and differences between two or more similar texts With prompting and support, reads and comprehends various text types on grade level Demonstrates reading stamina FOUNDATION SKILLS Demonstrates decoding skills Demonstrates fluency Understands and applies phonics Demonstrates automaticity of sight words WRITING Generates ideas Produces clear and coherent writing across genres Develops and strengthens writing through revisions Demonstrates command of mechanics and conventions Utilizes appropriate spelling Demonstrates writing stamina SPEAKING AND LISTENING Comprehends and collaborates with others Presents knowledge and ideas clearly

13 Second Grade Report Card
MATHEMATICS Understands and applies concepts Demonstrates number sense Computes accurately Applies problem solving strategies DEMONSTRATES AUTOMATICITY Addition Subtraction SCIENCE Uses inquiry based reasoning to solve problems Demonstrates knowledge of and applies scientific concepts SOCIAL STUDIES Demonstrates knowledge of and applies social studies concepts Applies process skills in social studies

14 Learning Behavior Key For:
Personal/Social Development and Work and Study Habits 4 = Consistently meets expectations 3 = Generally meets expectations 2 = Progressing towards meeting expectations 1 = Not meeting expectations PERSONAL AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT Follows school rules Exercises self-control Accepts responsibility for own actions Respects the rights and property of others Responds well to guidance and suggestions WORK AND STUDY HABITS Listens Follows directions Works independently Works cooperatively and productively with others Organizes work space and materials Completes tasks carefully and accurately Writes neatly and legibly Completes homework on time Participates in lessons: (reading, writing, math, science, social studies)

15 Routines, Procedures, & Projects
Test Folders Working Snack Dismissal

16 Science Social Studies Family Life

17 Parent/Teacher Communication
As partners in your child’s education, it is important that we keep our lines of communication open. It would be very useful if you could provide me with your address. Please feel free to or call me with any questions or concerns. Together we can make your child’s second grade experience positive and rewarding.

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