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1 Slide 1: Company Logo Full Page
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2 Steering Committee Meeting
Paul Scherrer Institut – Villigen 5-6 October 2017

3 Approval of Agenda At the FoE Management Board meeting in July it was suggested that the minutes of FoE SC meetings could be taken by a volunteer among the partners, on a rotational basis from meeting to meeting. Who starts? 

4 Last Meeting Follow-up
2. LEAPS Update Carolin Hahn presented the latest developments of LEAPS. A draft chart is prepared, describing the goals of the collaboration and the specification of membership. Members are “accelerator based photon-source facilities providing user access”. The role of FoE has to be defined. At present the FoE collaboration is described as a Partner of LEAPS. FoE has attended all meetings of LEAPS and there were also several contacts between LEAPS and FoE, particularly in the July-August timeframe, to discuss the role of FoE, no more as a partner. FoE Roadmap Actions: Revision of the text with inputs from all members. Improvement of the graphical representation. A new version of the FELs Roadmap for LEAPS has been prepared, in agenda tomorrow morning.

5 Brief update on LEAPS Three meetings of LEAPS since last April (Brussels (April 26); Paris (June 14 – 16); Frankfurt (September 8). LEAPS consortium declaration in final draft on LEAPS Launch Event in Brussels on 13 November 2017 14 adhering facilities as “LEAPS Members” will sign the declaration. European XFEL and ESRF will sign as witnesses, having the role of “LEAPS distinguished partners”. (during this meeting it was mentioned that European XFEL will sign as a Member). The Constitutional Meeting of the LEAPS General Assembly will also be held on 13.11, at the end of the LEAPS launch event. Election of the Chair and Vice Chair and confirmation of the Working Group leaders is foreseen at the Constitutional Meeting. Contributions of the single working groups did not yet converge into a single document. This is no more needed for Brussels Launch, but for the first half of 2018. A brochure for the Brussels Launch, which is being finalized and will have a more general perspective on LEAPS and its goals.

6 How can LEAPS push excellence in science?
13 November 2017 LEAPS Launch Dear Sir/Madame, The League of European Accelerator-based Photon Sources (LEAPS) are warmly inviting you to attend a launch event of this new collaboration.  Making the Invisible Visible! Accelerator based light sources have made fantastic contribution to science and innovation in Europe. That's why over the past decades 15 such synchrotron or free electron laser facilities have been built across the EU and its associated members. As Europe is growing together to face the challenges of our common future these facilities are intensifying their collaboration.   Listen to representatives from the ministries and funding agencies explaining how national strategies support EU-wide collaboration. Join us for three exciting panel discussions illuminating excellence in science, challenges in innovation, and opportunities for integration. Discuss with young and upcoming researchers to see how LEAPS can help solve their biggest scientific questions. At this launch event LEAPS unveils its ambitions and plans. We expose our partnership to the searchlights of the European Commission and will get input from the Director-General for Research and Innovation.   We look forward to welcoming you for a truly enlightening event marking a new era of collaboration for synchrotrons and free electron lasers in Europe. This is the beginning of a collaboration that will have big impact on areas that matter for Europe: innovation, integration, education. Keynotes will be given by Robert-Jan Smits, Helmut Dosch, Francesco Sette, Anna Sandström and John Womersley. Panelists from all over Europe will discuss three different topics connected to these keynotes: How can LEAPS push excellence in science? How can LEAPS push industry and innovation?  What can LEAPS do for integration, sustainability and education? The event will be moderated by Hans Chang. Welcome!  Helmut Dosch, Chairman of the Board of Directors, DESY  Andrew Harrisson, CEO of Diamond Light Source  Christoph Quitmann, Director MAX IV Laboratory


8 Last Meeting Follow-up
3. FoE next steps Board members The terms for R. Abela as a chairman of SC will end by June M. Svandrlik declared his availability to lead the collaboration for the next two (three?) years. The proposal is accepted unanimously. As a third member in the SC Board S. Molodtsov is elected. Transition meeting between former and present board in July in Munich. Focus on interaction with LEAPS, legal entity, FTF meeting organization, etc. Strategy for FoE Britta Redlich presented the different possible schemes to become a legal entity (see attached presentation). There is a general consensus to proceed along this route with two options: an association under Belgium law (AISBL) or a Foundation. Actions: Clarify within the members if there are difficulties with the two options. Consider the interaction with LEAPS. Discussion in agenda tomorrow.

9 Last Meeting Follow-up
4. Plans for POLFEL Robert Nietubyć presented a status report of the plans for POLFEL Test Facility. Actions: A support letter from FoE should be drafted according to the goals, arguments and timetable from POLFEL. R. Nietubyć will provide the input. R. Nietubyć provided a proposal of endorsement for POLFEL. 6. PR FoE WEBsite The Website is not well visited. More input is needed from all facilities. Actions: Flyer as well as poster should be updated. Mirjam will take the responsibility. These items should be used for distribution at different venues as SPIE and Photon Diag. PR material still to be updated. Newsletter The next issue should appear mid 2017/after the summer break… Issue in final preparation. 7. Conferences Preliminary information for Action: save the date message in June. Save the date message was distributed, but for instance some members of the SC did not receive it.

10 Last Meeting Follow-up
9. Conclusions FoE should apply for a European Training Network Marie Curie. Elke Plönjes takes the initiative and coordination.  FoE should be more present in PaNDaaS proposal. Mirjam van Daalen as coordinator should be active. Polish proposal being prepared, FoE has to discuss in next meeting how to provide support to Polish colleagues in being successful. More information material should be provided to the centers as printed version: 400 ex. of the White Book 300 ex. of the Newsletter Cups with FELs of Europe as successor of EUROFEL? Explore possibility for other gadgets?

11 Contribution by E. Plönjes
PhotonDiag 2018 Contribution by E. Plönjes

12 17-19 September 2018 at DESY, Hamburg
Concerning the PhotonDiag 2018, the detailed planning beyond some organizational issues has not yet started. We intend to start that at the end of October/early November. The Journal of Synchrotron Radiation special issue for the PhotonDiag 2017 is well on its way and should be published in January. Since two special issues in consecutive years are quite a lot, I propose to not have one for the PhotonDiag However, I have not discussed this with anybody yet (including JSR). I think this much depends on if we can get a significantly higher contribution from SwissFEL and EuXFEL which have only 1 publication in the current issue. This issue is strongly dominated by FERMI and FLASH and getting the others to participate was difficult. The next issue could be for the PhotonDiag2020. One major discussion issue I see for the FoE meeting is the organization of the FoE prizes, in particular the selection process and committee. This was not ideal for the past PhotonDiag.

13 First beamline scientist round table
Report from the first meeting at SLAC, in May 2017, by F. Capotondi

14 First beamline scientist round table
At the first beamline scientists round table 15 partecipants representing all FEL users facilities world worldwide were present. BLSs reported the status of FEL instrumentation in 6 oral presentations. Critical aspects related to the organization, operation, and support of user beamtimes were discussed, going from different schemes of pre-beamtime organization (installation, testing, and collection of high-quality scientific data), to serial operations, to user communities’ requirements of more complex and reliable set-ups to take maximum advantage from those novel powerful sources. A general consensum to share small components (motors and commercial detectors) has been espressed by the BLSs as a important point for the instrument development. As well the possibility to use internal commissioning shifts to optimize them.

15 First beamline scientist round table
An important point arose during the round table: how to give the best-possible practical training to young beamline scientists, PostDocs and PhD students. An envisioned solution would be the establishment of an exchange program involving the current available and under commissioning FEL beamlines. In this way, young scientists would be given the opportunity to develop a technical and instrumental background participating as visitors. All participants have given their availability to host young scientists during their commissioning beamtimes. Since the good attendance to this first beamline scientist round table, as a next step the BLSs agreed to increase their participation to the next PhotonDiag workshop (DESY Sept-2018), presenting more in detail instrumental developments of their beamlines.

16 Advanced FEL developments
Proposal for a forum on novel FEL techniques by G. Geloni and L. Giannessi

17 Scope Many advanced techniques are currently available or under development in the world of Free-Electron Lasers. For instance: External seeding methods like HGHG, EEHG but also PEHG etc., short wavelength seeding techniques, XFEL-O, self-seeding, TESSA, harmonic lasing/p-SASE etc. We propose a forum for discussing advanced FEL techniques, worldwide. In particular: ultrashort pulses (up to or below the coherence length) multiple colours (tuneable in frequency/time delay) Highest pulse power Coherence Photon pulse manipulations by tailoring the electron beam phase space or, in techniques allowing it, external seed lasers characteristics Polarization control Focus on different techniques as well as new ideas at different facilities, large and small, for different parameter ranges. Operational experience will be an important part of the discussion. It can point to limits of techniques, issues, or opportunities. It is proposed to organize the workshop as a 2-day event together with an event involving Users in order to promote exchange of ideas and development needs. We aim at a first kickoff workshop in 2018, to become a bi-annual meeting if there will be enough interest in the community.

18 Remarks Having the workshop organized in even years (2018, 2020…) avoids superposition with the FEL Conference It could then be associated with the Science at FELs Conference, which would ease the participation of the Users Community If organizational reasons will not allow a full meeting in 2018 we could either Organize a shorter one-day meeting still at the margin of the Science at FELs Conference Identify an alternative Conference in 2018 Have a longer stand-alone event (although this option may prove counterproductive for the participation of Users and for attracting, for a two-days event, a large audience of excellence) In this case, the first option seems preferable, in order to maximize interaction with Users

19 FoE Finances Report by Ute Krell

20 Finances U. Krell recommends that a list is prepared of what will be financed in 2018 by the yearly contributions of the FoE partners. At the FoE Management Board meeting in July it was pointed out that the support of Hannah Gerth of DESY for the website should continue; FoE shall however define how to compensate DESY for her contribution.

21 FELs of Europe and LEAPS
Report about the last six months developments

22 FoE and LEAPS From the notes by Carolin Hahn of the Frankfurt Meeting:
In addition to the Working Groups, there shall be two Strategy Groups within LEAPS: FoE will be integrated in LEAPS as a Strategy Group on FELs. For the moment, FoE will continue as a collaboration, and will continue to be engaged on all its present activities and tasks, except representation at the European level, which will be done by LEAPS. It was discussed to set up a complementary action on strategy for storage rings as reflected in the figure below.

23 FoE and LEAPS Figure present in Carolin Hahn’s notes

24 LEAPS Governance in Phase I V6 / UK
Members Members European Synchrotron & FEL User Facilities Associates Synchrotron & FEL Facilities outside Europe & Upcoming User Facilities LEAPS Working Group 1 Beamline Technology Working Group 2 Accelerators Working Group 3 Data Management & Software Working Group 5 Standardized Access & Best Practice Working Group 4 Industry & Innovation Working Group 6 EDU, Training, Outreach General Assembly LEAPS Chair & Vice Chair & former Chair Executive Board WG Spokesperson (x6) & EB chair Distinguished Partners ESRF, European XFEL, ESUO Advisory Board Strategy Group 1 Storage Rings Coordination Board LEAPS Chair & Managing Triumvirate Strategy Group 2 Free Electron Lasers Original title of working group 1: „Detectors, Optics, Sample Environment“ red decision bodies green executive bodies orange administrative bodies V

25 FoE and LEAPS In the most recent to the “WG Leaders, Directors, and LEAPS Community”, on October 2nd, signed by Helmut, Andrew & Christoph, there is the following statement: Please note that we discussed again the role of a Coordination Board vs. a Project Office to help organise and support LEAPS activities and would like to propose starting without a Coordination Board in the first year. Instead, we are aiming to find one person to coordinate LEAPS in this period…


27 FoE/LEAPS/ERF-AISBL On April 18th, 2013 with the signature of the Royal Decree by the King of Belgium, ERF has been recognized as an AISBL (Association Internationale Sans But Lucratif) according to the Belgian law, taking the place of the former ERF de facto association. (

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