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CHAPTER 8 Retail Merchandising Team Decision Making Event

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1 CHAPTER 8 Retail Merchandising Team Decision Making Event
Scenario Holiday Joy would like to expand its target market to attract younger consumers aged 25 to 54. Develop a plan for the student organizations to use that describes how to distribute information to the expanded target market (females aged 25 to 54) and assist customers in placing their orders online. (continued on the next slide)

2 CHAPTER 8 Retail Merchandising Team Decision Making Event
Scenario You must also develop a system to ensure the sale is credited to the appropriate school organization. The Holiday Joy vice president has asked for a suggestion for a reasonably priced gift to give customers who purchase more than $50 of merchandise. She would also like suggestions on how to update the website to promote products more effectively.

3 You will present your recommendations to the vice president.
CHAPTER 8 Retail Merchandising Team Decision Making Event Description You will present your recommendations to the vice president. You will have ten minutes for your presentation, and the judge has 5 minutes to ask questions.

4 Performance Indicators Evaluated
CHAPTER 8 Retail Merchandising Team Decision Making Event Performance Indicators Evaluated Describe the unique aspects of Internet sales. Explain online sales strategies. Discuss the features of an online sales campaign. Conceptualize website design. Explain the relationship between customer service and distribution. Explain the nature of positive customer/client relations. Explain the nature of online advertisements.

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