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Science Research Guide

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1 Science Research Guide
Pioneer Science Department

1. Statement of Problem 2. Background Information 3. Hypothesis 4. Materials 5. Procedures 6. Data 7. Conclusion

3 #1 STATEMENT OF PROBLEM There are a variety of websites that provide ideas for research projects. (See next slide) Be sure to select an interesting topic THAT CAN BE TESTED!!!

4 #1 RESEARCH IDEAS A Discovery Education Science Fair Central B. Julian’s Science Fair C. Science Buddies D. Science Buddies Project Selection Wizard E. Science Fair Central F. Science Kids G. Try Science H. Middle School Project Ideas I. Hot Chalk Project Ideas

Certain areas of study must be in compliance and have special forms signed before beginning the project. These forms can be downloaded from the “Rules Wizard” at the following web site: Also check out the Intel ISEF Project Database and Intel ISEF Categories and Subcategories on the same site. No vertebrate animal experimentation is allowed in middle school. Work with microorganisms requires special equipment and permission.

6 #1 STATEMENT OF PROBLEM Write one to three sentences explaining why the research is being done. The problem is stated in the form of a question. Example: “Which brand of paper towel is the most absorbent? The Problem Statement is the first sentence of the Introduction or Background Information

Should include10 different sources of information on the chosen topic. Printout sources and highlight the pertinent information OR use note cards to record information IN YOUR OWN WORDS! Be sure to note bibliography information.

Use WolframAlpha as a search tool: DO NOT USE WIKIPEDIA!!! Minimum of 10 different sources needed!

The first sentence is the Purpose/Problem Statement written as a question The last sentence is the Hypothesis written in “If…then…” format

In between the problem statement and the hypothesis, the paper should be 3-5 pages long or about 1,000 words. Organize, rewrite and explain the research information in your own words.

Use 3rd person (he, she, it, they…) Use standard size font, black ink Double space, print on one side only Do not include any information about YOUR experiment!!!

to alphabetically list all 10 research sources in MLA or APA format. Do not number the sources. The first line of each entry should begin at the margin, and each additional line should be slightly indented For additional help access:

13 #2 Bibliography Format Aqpeiruoinvkjvnka fdfkljaoj askknv akld; aieh ewlekn, skdakjds hdkvxzkxkvmzxnv,xn v.zn Dopwuoriwoeirla/kdfakdhnfahdfkjsdfkjflaksdjf;asdjflkasdjf laksdjflkasdjlasdkjflksadjflksdjf, lasdkjflasdjfalkjdflkaj, sdflkajdsflkajdsflkajdsflkjadslfkjsdlkfj Hqpeiruoinvkjvnka fdfkljaoj askknv; kldaieh ewlekn skdakjds hdkvxzkxkvmzxnv, xnzn Topwuoriwoeirla/kdfakdhnfahdfkjsdfkjflaksdjf, asdjflkasdjf laksdjflkasdjlasdkjflksadjflksdjf, lasdkjf, lasdjfalkjdflka, sdflka

14 #3 HYPOTHESIS The hypothesis is an educated ‘guess’ of the outcome of the experiment. It is written in “If…then…” format: If the independent variable is applied, then the dependent variable will change in a certain way… Example: If different brands of paper towels are tested for absorbency, then the generic brand will hold the most liquid. The Hypothesis is the last sentence of the Background Introduction

15 #4 MATERIALS List all materials used in the experiment. Include what, how much and what kinds of materials were used. Keep in mind the amounts used. Be sure to use only metric units to measure quantities. Good Listing Poor Listing 3 – 15x15 cm squares of each: Paper towels Brawny, Bounty, Scott, & Generic paper towels 250 ml graduated beaker Measuring cup 750 ml water 20º C Water 1 – 20x20 cm square cake pan Container Celsius thermometer thermometer Clock with second hand Clock

16 #5 PROCEDURE Experiment Variables

17 #5 PROCEDURE, cont… Experiment
List step-by-step directions - just like a recipe - so anyone can easily replicate the experiment. A minimum of 3 trials must be done.

18 #5 PROCEDURE, cont… Sample Problem: “Do all brands of paper towels absorb the same amount of water?” Step-by-Step Directions: “Cut four 15x15 cm squares from each brand of paper towel. Label each cut piece with brand name. Pour 50 ml of 20ºC water into 20x20 cm square pan. Place 1 square of generic brand paper towel into pan of water. Leave for 30 seconds. Remove paper towel. Measure water remaining in pan and record. Dry pan. Repeat procedure 2 more times for each brand of paper towel (for a total of 3 trials.) One square of each brand will NOT be tested – this is the CONTROL variable used for comparison purposes!

19 #5 VARIABLES A variable is something that can be changed in an experiment. The INDEPENDENT VARIABLE is the variable that is purposely changed to see what results. (eg, different towel brands) The DEPENDENT VARIABLE is the result of manipulating the independent variable and CAN ALWAYS BE MEASURED. (eg, how much water each brand absorbed)

20 #5 VARIABLES, cont… Keep all other variables the same (CONSTANT VARIABLES) except the one being tested which is the Independent Variable. The CONTROL variable is the same as the Independent Variable but is NOT tested. (It is used for comparison purposes!)

21 #5 VARIABLES, cont… The control variable in the previous example is a square of paper towel from each brand THAT IS NOT TESTED!!! The paper squares from each brand that are tested are compared to the control square that is not tested to see what changes occurred during testing.

22 #6 DATA Data refers to information collected during the experiment.
The data should include: 1. Detailed, day-by-day entries on a project’s progress A. What is actually being done B. Problems encountered C. Changes to make for future experiments D. Be sure to date every entry! 2. Any drawings that would help explain the work 3. Raw data collected (notes, tables, charts, graphs) *NOTE - SEE SEPARATE POWER POINT ON RESEARCH LOG

23 #6 SAMPLE DATA TABLE Towel Brand Brawny DATE Trial # #1 #2 #3 Avg
Bounty Scott Generic DATE Trial # #1 #2 #3 Avg Water (ml) remaining in pan

24 #6 DATA - MAKING A GRAPH Title: Short description of the data being displayed. Horizontal Axis: The Independent Variable (what was manipulated on purpose) is displayed on the horizontal axis. Vertical Axis: The Dependent Variable (what happened as a result, or what is measured) is displayed on the vertical axis.

25 #6 DATA - MAKING A GRAPH A Create a Graph Graph Free

Discuss patterns and/or trends in the data. Explain why they occurred. Interpret the data. State the findings of the experiment based upon the data observed and analyzed. Describe any problems with the experiment.

27 #7 CONCLUSION After carefully analyzing and examining the data, graphs, tables, charts, trends…answer only these two questions for the conclusion: 1. The bottom line - What were the results? 2. Was the hypothesis supported or not?



2 Proposal (problem statement and way student might go about researching and solving it). #1-3 resource cards. 4 #4-6 resource cards 5 #7-10 resource cards 6 Hypothesis 7 Procedure: Materials, Variables, Data Table design, Instruments word BACKGROUND Research Paper and Bibliography Experiment completed 12 Final Paper (includes all parts of a formal science research paper) Show board –display, design, and construction

31 ENDING NOTE See FINAL RESEARCH PAPER power point to learn how to properly assemble a science research paper and science show board in ISEF format.

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