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Blackfish- A documentary analysis

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1 Blackfish- A documentary analysis
By Ana Karon

2 Summary and Argument The Story: One killer whale named Tillikum kept in captivity for 33 years and who killed two trainers. The Issue: Keeping Orcas in captivity and using them for human entertainment is cruel and psychologically damaging to the whales resulting in the deaths of trainers.

3 Mode of Documentary Types of Evidence Observational Expository
No single narrator or spokesperson Gives “real” feeling- not filming Expository Interviews of one side Images and voice-over Types of Evidence Interviews: Neurologist, Family members, Audience, former employees, hunter Facts from relevant sources (OSHA) Public statements and news Visual Tools: clips, animations, pictures

4 Strengths and Weaknesses
“Poisoning the Well” overuse of pathos Anecdotal fallacy One sided Strengths Many different sources/people Real video clips of discussed event Uses evidence to get to conclusion

5 The Evidence Claim: Tillikum’s actions prove that whales in captivity are crazy and prone to act more aggressively. Orcas should not be kept like this because it is inhumane. Kairos: The documentary was filmed after Dawn’s death- they had two examples of the same whale killing two different trainers.

6 Counterargument Opinions of Animal Activists and OSHA bias
Trainer inexperience, error, or accidents Whales once released can’t survive in the wild Keiko died in the wild (5 yrs) Twisted facts and relied on inexperienced former trainers

7 Effect Declining ticket sales to Sea World
Opens controversy about captivity and release End to Sea World captivity program Zoo reforms/updates New safety policies at Sea World Tillikum's death

8 Sources/Access Cowperthwaite, Gabriela. Blackfish. Magnolia Pictures, CNN Films. 19, July, 2013. Pappas, Stephanie. How Tilikum the Orca Changed the Conversation About Animals in Captivity. 7, Jan, 2017. Why “Blackfish” is Propaganda, not a Documentary. Sea World parks and entertainment Inc O’Hara, Helen. Sea World vs Blackfish. The Telegraph. 6. Jan, 2017. that-saved-the-whales/ Blackfish Synopsis., Dogwoof

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