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Pg. 124 RTW: How was your spring break? Objective: – I will be able to understand the impact that humans have on the environment. Agenda: – What’s your.

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Presentation on theme: "Pg. 124 RTW: How was your spring break? Objective: – I will be able to understand the impact that humans have on the environment. Agenda: – What’s your."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pg. 124 RTW: How was your spring break? Objective: – I will be able to understand the impact that humans have on the environment. Agenda: – What’s your current stance on Orcas in captivity? Homework: – None Monday, March 30 th, 2015

2 What’s your stance? Should orcas (killer whales) be held in captivity? A.YES! B.NO! C.Undecided *Vote on your clicker*

3 Socratic Seminar Rubric Preparation: 10 Added to the dialogue of the group: 20 Group Participation (Encouraged others/respectful of ideas): 10 Used textual evidence as support: 25 Listened and responded to previous comments: 5 Quality and Depth of Insight: 20 Socratic Seminar self-reflection: 5 Peer Sheets: 5 Total: 100

4 Assignment Should orcas (killer whales) be held in captivity? Outline your argument and list reasons for your stance Be sure to list counter-arguments from your opposition You may research more on the topic to help support or refute the question

5 Pg. 124 RTW: How will global warming affect the animals in the arctic? Objective: – I will be able to understand the impact that humans have on the environment. Agenda: – Frozen Seas Video & Questions Homework: – None Tuesday, March 31 st, 2015

6 Pg. 124 RTW: Would any evidence change your mind on keeping orcas in captivity? Objective: – I will be able to understand the impact that humans have on the environment. Agenda: – Blackfish Video Homework: – None Wednesday, April 1 st, 2015

7 Pg. 124 RTW: Do you think Blackfish is propaganda or a smear campaign? Objective: – I will be able to understand the impact that humans have on the environment. Agenda: – Blackfish Video Homework: – None Thursday, April 2 nd, 2015

8 Pg. 124 RTW: Has your opinion changed on whether orcas should be in captivity? Objective: – I will be able to understand the impact that humans have on the environment. Agenda: – Finish Blackfish – Assign perspectives &begin framing your argument Homework: – None Friday, April 3 rd, 2015

9 Create an Outline Prepare your argument (for, against, undecided) Have your main points listed and sub-points to bring up with cited sources Be ready to counter-argue the other side or question their stance

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