Gods Heroes Greece Vocabulary Miscellan-aneous 100 200 300 400 500.

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1 Gods Heroes Greece Vocabulary Miscellan-aneous 100 200 300 400 500

2 The symbol of this goddess is the owl and the olive tree
100 The symbol of this goddess is the owl and the olive tree

3 Who is Pallas Athena?

4 bidding. (+50 for Roman name)
200 This god was known for his trickiness and stealth. He was often called upon to do Zeus’ bidding. (+50 for Roman name)

5 Who is Hermes?

6 300 This demi-god was born to Zeus and was later promoted to full immortality.

7 Who is Hercules?

8 400 These three goddesses approached Paris of Troy to have him judge which of them was the fairest.

9 Who are Hera, Athena and Aphrodite?

10 500 Perseus was given three gifts to help him defeat Medusa. They were: a sword, winged sandals and a polished shield. These god gave him the gifts.

11 Who are Zeus, Hades and Athena

12 This hero slew the Minotaur
100 This hero slew the Minotaur

13 Who is Theseus?

14 200 This goddess set out to drive Hercules into a fit of madness that resulted in the murder of his wife and son.

15 Who is Hera?

16 300 This architect designed the labyrinth to contain the Minotaur and famously cautioned his son from flying too high.

17 Who is Daedalus

18 400 This hero was prophesied to kill his grandfather, Acrisius. The father locked this hero’s mother in a tower to prevent her impregnation.

19 Who was Perseus. (+50 – Who was his father?)

20 500 This great, prideful, Greek war hero defeated Hector and was killed by Paris’ arrow.

21 Who is Achilles?

22 This is were Zeus was supposed to have been born
100 This is were Zeus was supposed to have been born

23 What is Crete?

24 200 This city-state was named for the goddess who won a contest for its naming rights

25 What is Athens?

26 300 The Greeks fought a devastating war with Troy, which is located in this present-day country.

27 What is Turkey?

28 400 The beauty of this woman, who originally came from Sparta, caused the Trojan War.

29 Who is Helen

30 500 The peninsula of Greece can be found in what sea (several answers acceptable)

31 What is the Mediterranean, Aegean, Adriatic.

32 This word is akin to Kryptonite for Superman
100 This word is akin to Kryptonite for Superman

33 What is the Achilles Heel?

34 This word comes from the classical personification of Time.
200 This word comes from the classical personification of Time.

35 What is “chronology?”

36 300 This word comes from the story of a young man who starved to death after looking too long at his reflection in the water

37 What is “narcissistic?”

38 400 This word comes from the creatures by the sea who lulled Odysseus and his men into a trance with their beautiful song.

39 What is “siren?”

40 500 Another name for a long and twisting journey that includes many strange encounters. It takes its name from the cunning creator of the Trojan horse.

41 What is an “oddessey?”

42 100 This god is the Roman equivalent to the Greek god Zeus.

43 Who is Jupiter?

44 Phoebus Apollo is the god of these two things (among others)
200 Phoebus Apollo is the god of these two things (among others)

45 What is “the sun,” “music and the arts,” “truth,” or “healing
What is “the sun,” “music and the arts,” “truth,” or “healing?” (+50 – who is his twin sister?)

46 300 This mythological bird hatched the Golden Egg, giving birth to the Universe

47 What is Nyx?

48 This task was shared by Charon, Cerberus and Styx
400 This task was shared by Charon, Cerberus and Styx

49 What is “protect” or “separate” the Underworld

50 500 This god, who was the god of metalwork, was known for being ugly and lame

51 Who is Hephaestus?

52 600 These two punishments were reserved for Tantalus, who sacrificed his son to the gods, and Sisyphus, whose hubris angered Zeus

53 What is “being eternally thirsty and hungry” and “pushing a rock up a hill.”

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