Nursing .VS. Veterinarian.

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Presentation on theme: "Nursing .VS. Veterinarian."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nursing .VS. Veterinarian

2 What Am I Going to do??? When I first started to do this I search I had a bunch of Different Ideas about what to research. I didn’t really know what I wanted to know about. I thought of doing The Galapagos Islands, and John Travolta, and some other things, but I really didn’t want to know that much about those things. I really wanted to know about Nursing and Veterinary Technician as career choices, because those are my two top career choices.

3 Questions What kind of schooling does each career take?
What is the yearly salary for each career? What are the job duties for each career? What am I going to do?

4 Schooling To become a Veterinary Technician you must attend a two-year or three-year AVMA or CVMA-accredited school, most of which give an associates degree in Vetrinary Technology when you graduate. AVMA: American Veterinary Medical Association CVMA: California Veterinary Medical Association

5 Schooling For Nursing I would be going to TMCC. I would have to take all of the general education classes and I would also need to take specific hands on nursing classes. At TMCC I would need a total of 71 credits. General education classes include things like basic English and science classes.

6 Yearly Salary Registered nurses are usually paid by the hour instead of earning a yearly salary. With one year of experience the hourly salary is anywhere from $ $ With four years experience you can earn up to $27.43 an hour. With 5-9 years you can earn up to $30.57 and with twenty or more years the average hourly pay is $35.68.

7 Yearly Salary The average yearly salary for a Veterinary Technician was $28,920 and on the high end of that spectrum was $40,550. So that means that the hourly pay would be anywhere from about $11 to $15

8 Job Duties A registered nurse is the person who talks with the patients and their families. They answer any questions patients may have about there healthcare. They also perform duties like ; monitoring and tracking vital signs, performing procedures such as IV placement, phlebotomy, and administering medications. Phlebotomy: the practice of collecting blood samples

9 Job Duties Some of the things that a Veterinary Technician does are ; venipuncture, collecting urine, performing skin scrapings, taking/processing radiographs and performing routine lab procedures and tests. Venipuncture: to obtain blood for diagnostic purposes or to monitor levels of blood components

10 After all of the things that I found out about both of
these careers I decided that I would rather do nursing. I like all of the things about it better. The pay is a lot higher then a vet techs pay is, and the job duties are also better for me. I think that I would be really good at talking to patients and helping explain their healthcare plans. I don’t like the idea of doing skin scrapings and taking urine samples for animals for a low pay. So next spring TMCC here I come!!!! I decided to...

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