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Welcome to the JMU Pre-Physical Therapy Society!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the JMU Pre-Physical Therapy Society!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the JMU Pre-Physical Therapy Society!

2 Meeting agenda: PT Expo summary General membership business
What do you want to discuss throughout the semester?? Get to know you game PTCAS briefing

Feedback from representatives Comments or suggestions??

4 Membership Requirements:
Fall 2015 Meeting dates Membership Requirements: Fall 2015 Meeting Dates: Attend ¾ meetings throughout semester **Pay dues: $15 per semester $20 per year Complete 10 hours of community service Attend PT Expo (Does not apply to newest members) Wednesday, October 7, 8-9pm ISAT 0136 Wednesday, November 4, 8-9 ISAT 0136 (ELECTIONS) Wednesday, December 2, 8-9 ISAT 0136

5 2015-2016 officers: President: Jamie Latta Vice President: Katie Dixon
Secretary: Amanda Presgraves Treasurer: Emmy Blacka PT-Expo: Terrelle Wallace and Jenna McAvoy Fundraising: Jake Walton and Krista Harrington Public Relations: Dustin Leonard

6 What are you interested in learning more about??
Topics Most Important to You: Instructions: _______ GRE Information _______ Prerequisite Requirements _______ Shadowing Settings/ Experience _______ DPT virtual presentation _______ Getting Recommendations _______ How to use PTCAS _______ Choosing PT Programs _______ Finding Shadowing Opportunities _______ Open House Information _______ How to build a Resume _______ Other: _______________ Rank your top 3 1 being the most important If you have a specific question please me at

7 Pre-Pt students are everywhere!!
What year are you? What is your major? Who’s taking anatomy/physiology? Who’s/has been a TA/PASS instructor for anatomy/physiology? Who is shadowing somewhere in Harrisonburg this semester?

8 Helpful ptcas tips: Most important: START EARLY Stay organized
JMU transcript request form Enter observation hours and send for verification (only send to verify once you have completed those hours) Enter you references- contact them immediately Brainstorm essay Submit supplemental application materials ASAP (especially mail-in materials) Stay organized Review personal/background information with a parent

9 Helpful ptcas tips: Log into MyMadison and print your unofficial transcript to confirm your coursework Lower/Upper level: Go based on course number! Enter all possible courses for your spring semester (You ARE NOT allowed to add classes once you E-submit- you can only delete- this is important for your academic update) Check program listing for supplemental application materials

Wednesday, October 7, 8-9pm ISAT 0136 Wednesday, November 4, 8-9 ISAT 0136 (ELECTIONS) Wednesday, December 2, 8-9 ISAT 0136

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