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Ectopic pregnancy: uterine sonographic findings

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1 Ectopic pregnancy: uterine sonographic findings
Ectopic pregnancy: uterine sonographic findings. A: Longitudinal TA sonogram of unruptured ectopic pregnancy appearing as a complex retrouterine mass posterior to uterus (curved arrow). Uterus contains thickened, decidualized endometrium (arrow). B: Transverse TAS of (A) showing thickened endometrium (arrow) and left adnexal ectopic gestation (curved arrow). C: TVS of unruptured ectopic pregnancy. Long axis of uterus shows thickened decidualized endometrium (arrow). D: Semiaxial TVS of (C) showing right adnexal mass (arrow), which represents an unruptured ectopic pregnancy. A yolk sac is present within gestational sac. E: TVS of pseudogestational sac in a patient with proven ectopic pregnancy. The irregular sac (between +’s) was mistaken for deformed intrauterine sac. F: Transverse TAS of a 6-week intrauterine pregnancy showing typically eccentric location of gestational sac (arrow) within uterine lumen. G: TAS showing irregularly thickened decidualized endometrium (curved arrow). H: TVS of patient in (G), more clearly showing irregular decidualized endometrium (arrow) of proven ectopic pregnancy. I: TVS of decidual cast (curved arrow) with blood-distended uterine lumen. Intraperitoneal fluid was also present in cul-de-sac. J, K, L: Unruptured left ectopic pregnancy demonstrating all of the typical sonographic findings. J: TVS of left adnexa showing adnexal “ring” (between +’s). K: TVS of right adnexa showing right corpus luteum (between +’s). L: TVS of uterus showing decidual thickening and small amount of intraluminal fluid or “pseudosac.” M: TVS of necrotic decidual cast showing irregular decidua and intraluminal fluid. N: TVS of decidual cysts associated with an ectopic pregnancy, which are thought to represent areas of decidual necrosis. Source: Transvaginal Sonography of Ectopic Pregnancy, Fleischer's Sonography in Obstetrics and Gynecology: Textbook and Teaching Cases, 8e Citation: Fleischer AC, Abramowicz JS, Gonçalves LF, Manning FA, Monteagudo A, Timor IE, Toy EC. Fleischer's Sonography in Obstetrics and Gynecology: Textbook and Teaching Cases, 8e; 2017 Available at: Accessed: January 23, 2018 Copyright © 2018 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved

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