The Spirits in Prison What Does 1 Peter 3:18-20 Mean?

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1 The Spirits in Prison What Does 1 Peter 3:18-20 Mean?

2 The Context Christians suffer for righteousness sake (v. 13ff)
Christians suffer as Christ suffered (v. 18; 4:1) Christ’s suffering introduces a thought about Christ’s preaching (vv ) Who did the preaching and what was preached? How did the preaching take place? When and where did the preaching take place? To whom did the preaching take place?

3 Three Common Interpretations
1. Christ preached salvation to spirits of men in the Hadean realm during the time his body was in the grave (the “second chance” view) 2. Christ proclaimed triumph and victory to evil spirits (who once existed in the days of Noah, now in Tartarus) between his death and ascension into heaven (Gen. 6:1-4; Eph. 4:8-10; Col. 2:15; 2 Pet. 2:4; Jude 6; Rev. 20:7) 3. Christ, through Noah, preached salvation to the spirits of men before the flood came

4 Verse 18 There is a contrast, or antithesis, between put to death and made alive: put to death in the flesh (sarki, in the realm of the physical) “but” made alive in the spirit (pnuemati, in the realm of the spiritual) Note the Greek case is locative, not instrumental: it is “in the spirit,” not “by the Spirit;” see Mt. 5:3 Compare the same Greek construction, “in the flesh … in the spirit” in 4:5-6

5 Verse 19 “In which also” (en ho kai) is a relative pronoun; the antecedent is “spirit” in verse 18 (not “By which,” or “By whom”) In addition to being made alive “in the spirit,” Jesus “also” went and preached “in the spirit” [realm] The reference here is to location; there is no reference here to time … while Jesus was in the tomb, after his resurrection, etc. Matters relating to time are determined in verse 20.

6 Verse 19 “he went and preached” refers to Christ preaching (Gr. ekeryxen = herald; proclaim) Christ preached “in the spirit” (Christ’s preincarnate divine spirit) through Noah the “preacher” of righteousness (2 Pet. 2:5; Gr. keryka = herald; proclaim) Christ preached through OT and NT prophets (1 Pet. 1:11; Eph. 2:17; Jn. 16:13-14)

7 Verse 19 Christ preached to “spirits” of men, not angelic spirits or evil spirits (Heb. 12:9,23) Christ preached to “spirits in prison;” spirits of men who were disobedient and “now “ (italics in the NASV) in prison (2 Pet. 2:9) These spirits (of men) heard the message of Christ through Noah, rejected it, died in the flood, and are now confined to the prison of judgment

8 Verse 20 Christ through Noah preached to the spirits of men who “aforetime were disobedient” (Gen. 6:5-7,11) “When the longsuffering of God waited;” while Noah preached to them and built the ark (Gen. 6:3,7)

9 What is the meaning? What interpretation best fits the grammar of the verses, the immediate context, and Scriptures elsewhere? (remember: always use a clear passage to explain difficult passages) Who and what: Christ through Noah preached How: in the spirit realm When and where: in the days of Noah To Whom: disobedient spirits of men Jesus Christ, through Noah, in the realm of the spirit, previously preached to men in Noah’s day, which men are now disembodied spirits in prison awaiting the judgment day

10 Some Lessons Learned Once you die in sin, there’s no changing your destiny; no “second chance” (v. 19) – you are in prison! (Heb. 9:27; Lk. 16:23-26) Don’t ignore the preaching (v. 20) – not being persuaded is the same as disobedience! God’s longsuffering will one day give way to God’s judgment (v. 20) – don’t procrastinate! (Mt. 24:38-39) A few saved are still saved (v. 20) – save yourself and your family if no one else! (Mt. 7:14; 22:14; Lk. 13:23)

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