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Regional Progamme on Economic Statistics: Training Component

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1 Regional Progamme on Economic Statistics: Training Component
Empowering Sustainable, National Training

2 Regional Programme on Economic Statistics
Strengthened national statistical systems that produce the Core Set of Economic Statistics Improved training capacity of national statistical systems on the Core Set of Economic Statistics Increased availability of knowledge and sharing of best practices across the region on quality enhancement of economic statistics

3 Goal of the Meeting To seek agreement on how the Network can support the RPES Training Component Decision on Best Method to Support the Economic Statistics Training

4 RPES training objective:
To increase the institutional capacity of National Statistical Offices and Training Institutions to offer foundational training to staff who are involved in economic statistics production and dissemination in the national statistical system of 3 pilot countries (Cambodia, Nepal, Laos).

5 What will the project do?
Create a training curriculum and selected training materials for: the basic skills of the Core Set the SDGs interlinks cross cutting skills Create resources for trainers Provide guidance on setting up or improving training at the national level

6 Curriculum and training material
Review existing resources, identify priority areas Prepare recommended/generic curriculum Generate training materials for selected modules of the curriculum Expert consultation and review

7 Training of Trainers material
Identify resources and priority areas Develop ToT material Expert consultation and review Conduct ToT

8 Deployment of the curriculum
Identify pilot countries and a cadre of (national) trainers Creation of guidelines and resource materials for deployment of the curriculum Provision of technical assistance to institute and tailor the generic curriculum to national context

9 Output 5 Improved training capacity of national statistical systems on the Core Set of Economic Statistics Previous 2017 2018 2019 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Training Materials Generation of training materials on immediate priority topics, including SBRs, Integrated Statistics, and Informal Sector Production of curriculum and training materials for the basic skills necessary for the production of the Core Set of Economic Statistics Local Training Conducted Training of Trainers Development of Training of Trainers materials Conduct Training of Trainers Institutionalization Providing advisory services to national statistical offices, to implement the curriculum into their training programmes COMPLETED Planned

10 Mandate for Coordination
Sixth meeting of the Steering Group for the Regional Programme for Economic Statistics, 26 May 2017, Bangkok, Thailand “34… it was suggested that the Steering Group may work with and through the Network for the Coordination of Statistical Training in Asia and the Pacific to support strengthening of national capacity for delivery of statistical training. 35. The Steering Group requested the Co-Chairs to further discuss the matter at the next meeting of the leadership of the Steering Group, in consultation with ESCAP Statistics Division and ESCAP-SIAP.”

11 Subgroup on Economic Statistics?
Report of the Network for the Coordination of Statistical Training in Asia and the Pacific, E/ESCAP/CST(5)/8 “16. ….The Network agreed that the modality of a subgroup for facilitating training coordination in a specific statistical domain, similar to the Subgroup on Training for Agricultural and Rural Statistics, could be applied to the Regional Programme on Economic Statistics.”

12 What would it do? Quality assurance on the activities of the training programme component. Assist in the identification of experts for training activities related to the Core Set of Economic Statistics To provide assistance in setting-up training programmes in the pilot countries, (i.e. potentially host the train the trainers event)

13 Potential Support Activities

14 What would it look like? Some conceptual similarity to the subgroup for agriculture statistics, The major component of the membership of a subgroup would probably favor training institutions

15 Thank You

16 Purpose of the Subgroup?
(a)Quality assurance (b) Implementation support, (i.e. share material, human resources) (c) potentially host the train the trainers event

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