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OBEDIENCE Imagine yourself as a soldier in the US army in the 1970s. You’re in Vietnam and you’re ordered to napalm a village. Or, imagine that you’re.

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Presentation on theme: "OBEDIENCE Imagine yourself as a soldier in the US army in the 1970s. You’re in Vietnam and you’re ordered to napalm a village. Or, imagine that you’re."— Presentation transcript:

1 OBEDIENCE Imagine yourself as a soldier in the US army in the 1970s. You’re in Vietnam and you’re ordered to napalm a village. Or, imagine that you’re in the Argentine army in the 1980s and you’re ordered to kidnap and execute a man whose only “crime” was that he opposed the government. Or, cast yourself as a Trump supporter (that might be hard, I know) at a rally of his where protesters show up and Trump, on stage, says “rough them up.” What do you do? Why?

2 Remind Mr. Shulkin to show you the video

3 What does it reveal about this society and its government?
V for Vendetta, p. 73 What does Delia’s reference of the Milgram experiment reveal about her character? What does it reveal about this society and its government?

4 “We were only following orders
“We were only following orders.” – Common defense of Nazis accused of war crimes “Banality of evil” -Hannah Arendt, on Adolf Eichmann Why does this happen? Look at Milgram’s Obedience to Authority Connect it to V for Vendetta, George Orwell’s 1984 and current events

5 Read through the transcripts/descriptions from the experiments
Read through the transcripts/descriptions from the experiments. Prepare to share with the class: -What does your transcript reveal about the experiment? -What was the subject’s reaction/response to authority -What conclusions did the researchers/you come to about why this person reacted the way they did to authority? Take notes – you may want to use evidence from a different group in your essay.

6 Read through Milgram’s Obedience to Authority.
-What is obedience? -Why are humans obedient? -How does this explain elements of our society?

7 Techniques for reading long texts
“Chunk” sections Define important and recurring terms on your paper -”teacher” -”learner” -”obedience” -”Eichmann” Write a short summary after long paragraphs Come up with a highlighting system Use a pen/highlighter/finger as a pointer while you read Other techniques?

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