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Aim: To be able to measure and plot bearings

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1 Aim: To be able to measure and plot bearings

2 Aim: To be able to measure and plot bearings
To refresh our memories, what direction is the boat moving in? While compass bearings are useful there are times we need to be very accurate about direction. In these cases we use bearings.

3 Aim: To be able to measure and plot bearings
North Bearings are a very exact type of angle that has some distinct properties They are measured clockwise from North – which has a bearing of 0° They always have a degrees ° symbol after the number This is a classic exam style question What is the bearing of the boat from the lighthouse?

4 Aim: To be able to measure and plot bearings
Show the location of the shark. It is 300° from the lighthouse and 85° from the boat. N N Where the lines cross is the shark’s location

5 Aim: To be able to measure and plot bearings
So have you measured bearings today? Plotted bearings today? If yes to either – then you have achieved part of today’s aim – well done! If you did both – excellent work

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