Fractions - zlomky 7. ROČNÍK ZÁKLADNÍ ŠKOLY.

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Presentation on theme: "Fractions - zlomky 7. ROČNÍK ZÁKLADNÍ ŠKOLY."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fractions - zlomky 7. ROČNÍK ZÁKLADNÍ ŠKOLY

2 Fractions We divide a whole into identical parts One ninth
The picture is cut into 9 identical parts One ninth vlastní obrázek autora prezentace, vytvořen v GIMPu

3 Fractions How many parts is the picture divided into? quarters
zdroj obrázku: Dividing into quarters means to divide something into four identical parts.

4 Fractions DENOMINATOR A fraction is a part of a whole NUMERATOR
FRACTION LINE Obrázek: vlastní kresba DENOMINATOR

5 Fractions One Half One Quarter
Draw it: One Quarter Draw it: The top number tells us how many parts you have and the bottom number tells us how many parts the whole was divided into

6 Expanding Fractions Expanding a fraction by a number different from 0 means multiplying the numerator and also the denominator by this number. The fraction expands by Obrázek: vlastní kresba The value of the fraction is the same! = Equivalent fraction We divided each part into 2 parts only.

7 Expanding Fractions Expanding by the number 2 (dividing a sheet of paper) Obrázek: vlastní kresba

8 Expanding Fractions Expand fractions by the number 4
Obrázek: vlastní kresba

9 Count on the interactive board
Expand fractions by the number 3 Expand fractions by the number 5 Obrázek: vlastní kresba

10 Cancelling Fractions Cancelling a fraction means dividing the top number (numerator) and the bottom number (denominator) by the common factor. The fraction cancelled by Obrázek: vlastní kresba The value of the fraction is the same! = Equivalent fraction

11 Cancelling Fractions Cancel fractions by the number 4
Obrázek: vlastní kresba

12 Count on the interactive board
Cancel fractions by the number 3 Cancel fractions by the number 5 Obrázek: vlastní kresba

13 Try it yourself!

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