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Ending a Dating Relationship

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Presentation on theme: "Ending a Dating Relationship"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ending a Dating Relationship
Individual & Family Dynamics

2 Agenda Summary of Safe Dating (5 Minutes)
Ending a Dating Relationship Notes (5 Minutes) Ted Talk: Break Ups Don’t Have to Leave You Broken (12 Minutes) Handout (20 Minutes) Stages of a Break Up: After Us (10 Minutes) Reflection (10 Minutes) Agenda

3 Ending a Dating Relationship
Ending a relationship is never easy. Your relationship is something you have probably invested a lot of emotional energy in, and it’s a letdown that things didn’t turn out the way you planned. It might help to remember you have grown from your experiences in this relationship--even from the most painful parts of it, if there are any. And what you have learned from this relationship can help make future relationships more successful. Also, it is important to remember that you have a right to end a relationship any time you want to.

4 Break-Ups Don’t Have to Leave You Broken
Ted Talk Break-Ups Don’t Have to Leave You Broken

5 Things to remember if you are doing the breaking up:
Are you sure? Keep it to yourself Make lots of time to talk to your partner Choose a neutral place Show your face--no text, or phone Keep it clear and simple

6 Beginning and Ending Relationships
Handout Beginning and Ending Relationships (20 Minutes to Complete)

7 Stages of a Breakup After Us

8 Reflection #21 Are breakups always bad for a relationship?

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