AAVG Meeting 09/02/2015.

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Presentation on theme: "AAVG Meeting 09/02/2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 AAVG Meeting 09/02/2015

2 Don’t Forget to Register/ReRegister
Go on design.mst.edu Scroll down to ‘Join a Team’ Enter JoeSS credentials Click ‘Sign Up for a Team’ Check the AAVG box

3 Upcoming SDELC Trainings
9/3- Basic Machine Shop Training 2 PM-5 PM, SDELC 9/4- General Safety Training 9/8- Welding Training 9/9- Electronics Room Training Complete List on SDELC OrgSync page

4 SAE Aero Will Hopkins Cell: (314)


6 Aerodynamics / Stability & Control
Perform trade studies using xflr5 and MATLAB to optimize wing configuration Perform trade studies using MATLAB to optimize stability & control characteristics

7 Aerodynamics / Stability & Control
Design your own airplane using MatLab and test design in RealFlight Contact Info: Mario Santos

8 Design and Manufacturing
What we do CAD model Design aircraft according to other subgroups’ info Engineer other miscellaneous components Construct aircraft Up and coming CAD workshop Brainstorm solutions to this year’s competition requirements Contact Info: Justin Crum

9 Propulsion Goals Start Testing new electric and nitro motors. Work with and understand the inner-workings of a 2 stroke nitro engine Testing common propeller sizes Creation of a new thrust test stand Contact Info Anthony Innes

10 Electronics

11 Electronics Goals: Develop automated drop code. Test autopilot system
Test electronics throughout semester to verify functionality. (Replace if broken)

12 Electronics Work with Ardupilot and pixhawk control boards
Learn and use Python programming language Contact Info: Shashank Nedungadi Phone: (636)

13 Structures Lead: Daniel Jeffress
Contact Information: Objective: Test vehicle structures using analytical and experimental methods.

14 High Power Engineered Rocket

15 Chief Engineer Jill Davis jcdcn6@mst.edu Junior Aerospace Engineering
Miners in Space Silly Pictures Attempting Level 1 Cert.

16 Project Intercollegiate Rocket Engineering Competition (IREC) Hyperion
Target altitude with 10 lb. payload Hyperion 2 stage, 14 ft., 2 M-class motors

17 This Year Mercia Experimental staging Sponsorship from SpaceX
Brainstorming ejection Sponsorship from SpaceX

18 PR/Documentation Everyone has a camera Looking for Expertise
the more pictures the better Looking for Expertise collecting, sorting, editing any video experience enjoys taking a lot of pictures

19 Propulsion and Recovery
Matthew Fogle Sophomore Aerospace Engineering PRO Leader Love Kerbal Space Program! Attempting Level 2 Cert.

20 Propulsion and Recovery
Subgroup Goals: Meet twice a week to... Develop safe solid rocket propellant Develop testing methods for experimental rocket motors Design and build 75mm diameter L-Rocket motor Create motor igniters Manufacture parachutes Develop altitude prediction program (if we have time)

21 Electronics Ben Royer bdr5z6@mst.edu Senior Computer Engineering
I prefer bumper jumper in Halo

22 Electronics Critical electronic systems On board science experiment
second stage motor activation parachute deployment On board science experiment overseeing and integrating a high school’s design or designing our own experiment

23 Manufacturing, Design/Aerodynamics
Jacob Harrison Senior Aerospace Engineering I am in an unofficial scooter gang

24 Manufacturing, Design/Aerodynamics
Subgroup goals Identify needs/constraints Carbon fiber Develop solution SolidWorks and RockSim Construction Refine and integrate

25 Secretarial Shenanigans
Follow us on Facebook “Advanced Aero Vehicle Group” and “Missouri S&T HPER Design Team” Website: “aavg.mst.edu” Need volunteers to be my reps for each team I’m going to start a blog for monthly updates

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