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Alana Wait and Nikki Hudson

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1 Alana Wait and Nikki Hudson
Farewell to Manzanar Alana Wait and Nikki Hudson

2 #1 Much of Farewell to Manzanar deals with Jeanne's struggle to discover her identity. How does her Japanese identity conflict with her American identity? How does her experience with prejudice help her to reconcile the two? 1 - Jeanne struggles with her identity because she was born Japanese, but raised as an American. She doesn't fit into either culture and doesn't know where she belongs. Is she American, or is she Japanese?. Before she went to Manzanar, she was just as scared of oriental people as everyone else, but after she was released she didn't know what to. She was an American citizen but she was treated different because of her face (Japanese). Before Manzanar she was afraid of orientals because of a silly story her dad used to tell, but then all the Americans were afraid of her and at first she didn't understand why. Jeanne knows that both countries have faults so that kinda helps her to balance the two.

3 What is the role of non-Japanese characters in Wakatsuki's memoir?
Non-Japanese characters play a big role in Jeanne's life. Radine for example, her best friend, was always there for her and would stick up for her when people would say that she could not do something just because she is Japanese. She feels that everyone should be treated the same but she still understands that there is that separation between the two races.

4 #3 Upon returning from Manzanar, Jeanne finds that the hatred she must face is very different from the “dark cloud” she imagined would descend on her. What are the different forms of hatred depicted in Farewell to Manzanar, and how do they manifest themselves as propaganda or other? On page 151 of Farewell to Manzanar is says “The stories, the murmurs, the headlines of Burma-Shave signs saying JAPS GO BACK WHERE YOU CAME FROM.” Jeanne thought that that would be the kinds of things she would she when she returned. Everything was the opposite. But they had no clue were to live and what jobs there were. They felt free from their life in Manzanar. FREE.


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