All you need to know to stay healthy and play!

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Presentation on theme: "All you need to know to stay healthy and play!"— Presentation transcript:

1 All you need to know to stay healthy and play!
Cholera? What’s That?! All you need to know to stay healthy and play!

2 Cholera is a germ. It is a kind of bacteria that can live in water
Cholera bacteria seen through a microscope Bacteria are much too small to be seen with just our eyes.

3 Staying healthy outdoors!
You might play in water or mud. That’s fun!

4 But be Careful with Outside Water!
Some people might go to the bathroom in the water outside. Sick people might have cholera bacteria in their bowel movements. Cholera bacteria could get in the water that you might drink or play in.

5 Don’t drink water from a creek or pond because you could get sick
Cholera germs in the water can make you feel sick if you get them inside of you. You might feel sick to your stomach or have runny bowel movements (diarrhea).

6 Ways to Stay Healthy so you can Play!
Always wash your hands before eating or drinking Don’t put your hands in your mouth or chew on your fingernails Always wash your hands after going to the bathroom

7 Other Ways to stay healthy
Don’t play with friends when they are sick. Wait until they are feeling better.

8 What to do if you feel sick from drinking water or eating food
Tell your mom or dad. If you are not home, tell someone you can trust like your teacher or school nurse Don’t play with your friends until you feel better Wash your hands a lot while you are sick Only go to the bathroom in places where you are supposed to go

9 Always drink clean water!

10 Clean water is good for you!

11 Be healthy and stay safe from cholera bacteria by drinking clean water!
Have fun outside and PLAY!

12 Picture Credits in Order of Presentation
Cholera bacteria. Retrieved from Mud puddle. Retrieved from Smiling girl in water. Retrieved from Outside defecation. Retrieved from Vomiting person cartoon. Retrieved from jpeg Squatting boy drawing. Retrieved from Wash Hands Picture. Retrieved from 9& 0eu445d4AUM%3A&vet=1&w=798&h=795&itg=1&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim Sick threesome. Retrieved from Boy with tongue out. Girl with water glass. Retrieved from Boy drinking from large faucet. Retrieved from %2Fworld_water_day_17.jpg& html&docid=S3ss1uEbqbEuBM&tbnid=e5iFwalPFCVCMM%3A&vet=1&w=982&h=718&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim Children playing with water. Retrieved from rBVaEFdqV6eAA81zAAcnjckI_qs976.jpg%2Fbaby-pvc-inflatable-balls-pvc-beach-ball.jpg& balls-pvc-beach- ball%2F html&docid=x9Rz6t7pm2PwtM&tbnid=vnkgCLW2irSgcM%3A&vet=1&w=590&h=600&client=safari&bih=839&biw=1199&q=children%20playing%20with% 20water%20and%20ball&ved=0ahUKEwjR2-7xvt_RAhWkg1QKHSq-BhIQMwgfKAUwBQ&iact=mrc&uact=8 Children playing outside clip art. clipart.html?utm_campaign=foundoriginalcategoryid&utm_medium=301&utm_source=backend

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