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Capacity Building Workshop.
CDM Standardized Baselines: opportunities to experience simplified tools for MRV. Capacity Building Workshop. Ministry of Agriculture, Youyi Building, Freetown, Sierra Leone - March 21, 22; 2017. Purpose: Address 2 key elements of MRV country experience (case studies): Institutional framework for MRV; and MRV for GHG emissions. MRV systems at the national level should encompass at least the following key elements: Calculation of GHG emission and their reference levels at a national level; Tracking of emission reductions in mitigation actions for inclusion in a registry system and assurance of results through a national verification system; Tracking of support required and received for inclusion in the registry system and assurance of results through a national verification system; Inclusion of all results in international reporting, such as the National Communications, international registries, information hubs as well as associated review processes. SB development offers opportunities to develop expertise on: the establishment of effective and sustainable MRV arrangements between relevant actors in a specific sector; the definition of data delivery protocols to guide data providers with a regular collection and reporting of quality data; and the enhancement of local knowledge on how to aggregate Tier 2 and Tier 3 data of the MRV system, which is also required for the compilation of national GHG emission reports.
Table of Content: Current situation SENEGAL NDC;
MRV for Mitigation NDC; MRV Institutional Arrangements; MRV GHG Emission (Electricity Production); Improvements; Annex 1. MRV Regulatory Arrangements. Objectives and expected results: The capacity building workshop is designed to prepare the ground for a development and submission of standardized baselines for Sierra Leone, particularly in the energy sector, and to provide advice and guidance on: Methodological and procedural aspects of the development of CDM standardized baselines in the energy sector; The MRV concept and the reporting requirements under the UNFCCC and the Paris Agreement; The setting up of solid and sustainable institutional arrangements for MRV; The elements for road-testing processes for data collection, processing, compilation and reporting in specific sectors, as component of a broader national MRV system. Workshop expected outputs: The international MRV framework and related provisions in the Paris Agreement as well as latest developments are better understood, including the integration between NCs, BURs and NDCs; The challenges and barriers for establishing/improving a national MRV system; A mapping of national entities in charge of data management in the energy sector, including – where applicable – name of focal points is drafted; Protocols for data collection, processing, compilation and reporting are reviewed; A Workplan for the development of the SBs in the energy sector, including a clear distribution of roles and responsibilities is elaborated.
Context: INDC has been submitted prior to the COP21;
We are in the process of converting our INDC into NDC; SENEGAL has signed and ratified the PA; 4 Levels of consultation: i. Local Experts; ii. Regions; iii. ational Climate Conference; iv. Ministry Council 1. About our NDC. 2. INDC required Investment.
A. Current situation: Identification of capacity building and technology transfer needs is under development for several sectors; Strategy for the implementation of actions is not yet clearly defined. 4 Levels of consultation: i. Local Experts; ii. Regions; iii. ational Climate Conference; iv. Ministry Council
A. Current situation: Key INDC success factors:
Political endorsement (Approved by the Ministry Council); Strong leadership, coordination and support from the Ministry in charge of Environment (MEDD, DEEC/DCC) and the National Comity of Climate Change (COMNACC); Broad based support/Inclusive and participative: 4 consultation levels. 4 Levels of consultation: i. Local Experts; ii. Regions; iii. ational Climate Conference; iv. Ministry Council Source : DEEC / MEDD.
A. Current situation: The journey
Methods Experience sharing Capacity Building Technical Assistance Financial Assistance Institutional Arrangement Validation Workshop. Sharing Workshops; Expert Reviews; iv. Ministry Council Endorsement. INDC IPCC-2006 Sharing meetings Input Documents: Energy Policy: LPDSE, National Development Plan: PSE; Reports: GHG Inv., NC, TNA; Sectorial Programs and planning (i.e.: PPPAE 25/30), NDC ToR / Deliverables, etc. . iii. Interviews i. ii. NDC to submit until 2020, then each 5 years, period (2020 to 2030). LPDSE: Lettre de Politique de Développement du Secteur de l’Energie (Oct-2012) ; PPPAE: Plan Pluriannuel de Production et d’Achat d’Electricité 2025 a 2030 (Rev. 12aout 2015); SIE: Système d’Information de l’Energie; PSE: Plan Sénégal Emergent; TNA: Technology Needs Assessment. 1. Planification : i. Exigences (mandat / livrables / echeancier) ; ii. TdR (périmètre, point de référence, période etc.) ; iii. Sélection des Consultants. 2. Données / La collecte : i. Principe : GHG Inventory Guidelines, CDN et CDN+ ; ii. Tier 1 : Statistiques disponibles au niveau national et international et facteurs d’émission par défaut. 3. Estimation : Outils: GHG Inventory Software IPCC 2006 (Annee de reference 2010, Gaz: CO2, CH4, N2O). 4. Rapport : 5. Vérification et Validation : 6. Adoption et finalisation : Atténuation : Différents scénarios (de base, CPDN et CPDN+), Scénario de base ou BaU : Profil des émissions de GES sans la mise en place d’actions de réductions des émissions ; CPDN : Contribution inconditionnelle financée par les ressources nationales (publiques et privées) ; CPDN+ : Contribution conditionnelle basée sur l’obtention du soutien de la communauté internationale (Finance, transfert de technologie et renforcement de capacités). Sectors Agriculture, Forestry & Land use Livestock Industrial Processes Waste Energy: Energy Efficiency, Transport, Electricity Production & Cooking Energy. MEDD DEEC/DCC COMNACC 3. Our INDC Roadmap.
B. MRV for Mitigation NDC:
MRV System: is the mean by which countries ensure effective articulation of the necessary components to build their mitigation obligations and to track its progress overtime. Our MRV is to: - Have a good understanding our country’s emission profile; - Enhance good organization management practices; - Fulfill our international obligations; - Track progress of our NDC. Required MRV Arrangements: - Institutional; - Regulatory / Legal; - Procedural. The term MRV first appeared in the context of climate change mitigation policy as part of the Bali Action Plan (2007), which called for “measurable, reportable, and verifiable nationally appropriate mitigation commitments or actions” and stated that they should be “supported and enabled by technology, financing and capacity-building, in a measurable, reportable and verifiable manner” (UNFCCC 2007). Most recently, under the Paris Agreement, it was agreed that all countries will provide emissions data and track progress against their contributions. MRV systems will be a significant component in effectively tracking and improving the implementation of mitigation goals and policies articulated under countries’ Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) (CDKN Global 2016). Prior to these steps we have gone through the phases below: - Planning; - Ressource Mobilization; - Kick off meetings. Two Mitigation options: Unconditional (NDC) and Conditional (NDC+) Institutional: • Which institutions? Ministries, departments and agencies (MDAs) • Roles and responsibilities • Coordination and cooperation • Capacity and skills and training Regulatory / Legal: Laws, regulations , enforcement. Procedural: • Tools and guidelines • Indicator definition and monitoring • Baseline setting; projections • Data and information collection • Analysis and quality control • Verification (internal and external) • Reporting and dissemination • Continuous improvement • Stakeholder engagement. <<Domestic MRV is the process/manner by which Parties: measure emissions/removals or other metrics of its mitigation actions, report on those outcomes, and verify domestically the emissions/removals or other metrics Why is Domestic MRV important? MRV is a critical component of an effective policy framework by enabling the identification of significant actions and interventions; Entities can only manage what they measure, which makes domestic MRV an essential piece of setting and tracking progress towards domestic goals and priorities; The development of accurate, consistent and transparent data on GHG emissions is key to monitoring progress in reducing emissions as well as to help inform and direct the development of emission reduction programs and policies; Robust policy tracking through collection of emission/removal data or performance metrics can help inform future policy making and decision making around use of resources. Source: Measure: i. GHG emissions / sinks; ii. GHG emissions reductions; iii. Mitigation actions; iv. Support; v. Progress. Report: i. Data; ii. Progress; iii. Key assumptions and Methodologies; iv. Sustainability objective/coverage/Institutional arrangements; v. Constraints and gaps; vi. Support. Verify: i. Qualitative and Quantitative Data; ii. Mitigation actions and effects; iii. Support
B. MRV for Mitigation NDC:
MRV Arrangements: Institutional: Entities, Responsibilities, interactions, information flow (frequency, Quality, Form). Regulatory & Legal: Legal instrument for data sharing. Procedural: Predefined templates e.g. for data collection, emission estimation, performance indicators. Institutional Arrangements Regulatory & Legal Arrangements Procedural Arrangements Support (requested, received & engaged) BaU GHG Emission Mitigation Actions Mitigation GHG GHG Réduction Deployment Strategy 4. Suggested Mitigation MRV System.
C. MRV Institutional Arrangements:
6. MRV organization structure (SUGGESTION: NDC). 5. MRV organization structure (As is: INDC).
C. MRV Institutional Arrangements:
6. MRV organization structure (SUGGESTION: NDC). B 7. High level leading committee. Roles & Responsibilities: ??? Key success factors: LEADERSHIP + POLITICAL COMMITMENT & INVOLVEMENT. Clear Definition of roles & responsibilities + ownership; Well defined Performance indicators. Performance organisationnelle (fréquence : minimum une fois l’an.) : - Audit, effectué par une tierce partie (exemple organisme accrédité pour effectuer des audits ISO) ; - Revue de direction par le comité ministériel ; - Tableau de bord. Success Factors: High level LEADERSHIP (political commitment and involvement) - Inter-ministerial Agreement at Minister level; Clear institutional responsibilities The overall and sectoral responsibilities for data gathering, compilation and quality control have been very clearly defined. Moreover, the handling of data and commercially sensitive information requires well-designed institutional processes and structures to ensure data is only used for the agreed purpose. Sets of performance indicators for continuous improvement for each players Open and direct communication – open communication between the players in cooperation with the relevant ministries and industry associations using an existing and growing network of contacts. - NB: Confidence and trust are key – Confidence-building is a continuous effort and can be achieved through open communication and transparency. Trust is essential to ensuring good and effective relationships especially when dealing with sensitive information. - NB: Carrots & Sticks - in some cases the “threat” of legislation had to be used to facilitate the voluntary agreement. Adequate resourcing Human – GHG inventory and climate expertise's has to be developed; Financial – guaranteed, regular funding from government and development partners; IT platform to ease links between databases and storage of reports. Partnership approach to data sharing Voluntary agreements with stakeholders (industry is required to fill data gaps – industry is made aware not only of the benefits of having these data, but also of the way they are used (i.e. for GHG inventory purposes only)). No reinventing of the wheel Use the existing data flows and processes as much as possible – and only introduces new elements where there are gaps, what works well manually could be improved with the use of an IT platform . Suggested 8. Electricity Production MRV institutional arrangements.
C. MRV Institutional Arrangements:
1. Strategy and planning 2. Deployment 3. Lessons Learn & improve Effort : Electricity Production Energy + Cooking Energy + EE + Transport. Industrial Processes Agriculture, Forestry & Land Use. Livestock. Waste. 9. MRV continuous improvement cycle. Time Effort : Effort : Effort : Implementation: Progressive Deployment Criteria for the required Effort: 1. Data availability; 2. Existing database; 3. Number or actors; Effort : Effort : Suggestion 10. MRV Implementation: Progressive Deployment. Scope
D. GHG Emission MRV for Electricity Production:
Suppliers: Inputs: Outputs: Customers: Process: Software: IPCC-2006. BaU GHG Emi. Utility, IPPs, Big Industries: Prod. Plan Programs RE Ag.: Rural Elec. Ag.: MEDD: DEEC; DCC. COMNACC. SAR: NDC GHG Emi. PSE; LPDSE; 3rd NC; TNA. Syst. Inf. Energie: GOP. & Other Sources: Ag.: Agency; BaU: Business as Usual; COMNACC: Comite National sur le Changement Climatique; DCC: Division du Changement Climatique; DEEC: Direction de l’Environnement et des Etablissements Classes; Elec.: Electricity; GOP: Government on Power; IPPs: Independent Power Producers; LPDSE: Lettre de Politique de Developpement du Secteur de l’Energie; MEDD: Ministere de l’Environnement et du Developpement Durable; NDC: Unconditional Contributions; NDC+: Conditional Contributions; Prod.: Production; PSE: Plan Senegal Emergent; RE: Renewable Energy; SAR: Societe Africaine de Raffinage. SIPOC: Suppliers Inputs Process Outputs Customers. Why use it?: To develop a high level understanding of the process that is under study, including the upstream and downstream links. What does it do?: Defines project boundaries (i.e.: starting and ending points); Describes where to collect data; Identifies suppliers and customers (stakeholders); Identifies inputs and outputs; Helps to support process thinking within your organization. NDC+ GHG Emi. FEEDBACK LOOP 11. GHG Emission MRV SIPOC for the Electricity Production sub-sector.
D. GHG Emission MRV for Electricity Production:
13. GHG inventory with the IPCC-2006 software. 14. Graphical representation of the GHG emission. 12. Database of the electricity production sub-sector.
E. Improvements / Food for thoughts:
Data: Logiciel d’analyse et de compilation des inventaires permettant d’avoir les données relatives aux différents scenarios (BaU, NDC, NDC+) ; Passer de Tier 1 à Tier 2 et ultimement à Tier 3. System: Décentralisation et appropriation : Passer d’un système de consultants sectoriels à des experts des ministères et autres organes ministérielles ; Procédures de fonctionnement. Bases de données sectorielles et S.I. national permettant une intégration des rapports sectoriels. Formalisation : Configuration et arrangement institutionnels ; Cadre réglementaire et légal. Evaluation et suivi (Tableau de bord / indicateurs de performance): Evaluation du fonctionnement de l’ensemble du système ; Suivi des actions planifiées ; Actions correctives et/ou préventives en cas d’écart. Tiers : A tier represents a level of methodological complexity. Usually three tiers are provided. Tier 1 is the basic method / Default data: Tier 1 methods for all categories are designed to use readily available national or international statistics in combination with the provided default emission factors and additional parameters that are provided, and therefore should be feasible for all countries. Tier 2 intermediate, and Tier 3 most demanding in terms of complexity and data requirements. Tiers 2 and 3 are sometimes referred to as higher tier methods and are generally considered to be more accurate. Procédures: Qui fait quoi, quand, comment (rôles et responsabilités); Méthodologie de collecte, d’analyse ; Périodicité des révisions Format du rapport, liste de distribution (aux ayant droit) ; International Consultation and Analysis (ICA)? ICA
Annex 1. MRV Regulatory Arrangements:
NDC (=∑ sectoral NDCs) NDCi (Energy) NDCii (EP) NDCii (CE) NDCii (EE) NDCii (TR) NDCi (AFOLU) NDCii (AG) NDCii (FR) NDCii (LU) NDCii (LV) NDCi (Industrial Processes) NDCi (Waste) Ministry of Energy (MEDD), i. Ownership to be broken down and delegated to appropriate directorates, departments and/or agencies; ii. Mitigation actions to be in the Ministry Priority Project List; and iii. Reflected in the Ministry Development Policy Letter (LPDSE). Suggestion Note: A. Idem for all other ministries involve in the NDC Mitigation Component: Ministry in charge of Transport (TR), Agriculture (AG), Forestry (FR), Land Use (LU), Livestock (LV). B. The Ministries Priority Project Lists put to getter is the National Development Plan (NDP), therefore Ensure that NDC = NDP. C. Remaining component will be a legal/regulatory Document to develop for the coordination (roles & responsibilities, deliverables and time schedule) of all parties involve in the MRV arrangements. Key is that the NDC to be articulated with National Development Plan Development of INDCs has been a bottom up approach in order to ensure participation of all players that may impact increase of GHG, now NDCs have to be broken down to provide ownership to involved Ministry to ensure that Mitigation actions are in the Ministry Priority Project lList Added Value: 1. Built ownership; 2. Be at the heart of the Ministries development agenda; 3. Have a regulatory arrangements at the Ministry level. 15. NDC broken down.
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