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Learning Objectives Dietary sources Daily Requirements Metabolism

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2 Learning Objectives Dietary sources Daily Requirements Metabolism
Important functions and Deficiency diseases


4 Chloride Cl At.No. 17 Atomic mass 35.5

5 CHLORIDE Halogen – highly reactive, high electro negativity
special affinity to electropositive alkali metal to form ionic compound.

6 Dietary sources: Exist almost exclusively as NaCl
Intake of Cl- is adequate as long as NaCl Human milk contains 11mEq/L chloride

7 REQUIREMENT (in mg) Infants 0 – 0.5 275 – 700 0.5 – 1.0 400 – 1200
0.5 – – 1200 Children 1 – – 1500 4 – – 2100 7 – – 2775 – 4200 Adult – 5100

8 Distribution in body Whole Blood – 250 mg/dl Plasma – 375 mg/dl
CSF – 440 mg/dl Cells – 190 mg/100 grams Muscles – 40 mg/100 grams

9 Absorption and excretion
Chloride is absorbed from small intestine and Excreted through kidney. Mechanism of Chloride uptake is unclear, but it appears to depend on an exchange process with HCO3 Skin is another route of Loss---5mmole/day depends on weather Feces mmoles/day Urine mmoles/day

10 REGULATION Control of absorption and excretion is similar to that of Sodium Increase in blood volume decreases re-absorption of Chloride and vice versa Plasma level of Chloride varies with---- to a great extent depends on the plasma concentration of Na and HCO3

11 METABOLISM Any abnormality in Na metabolism will also result in
derangements of chloride metabolism. When Na losses are excessive as in profuse sweating, diarrhea or endocrine disorders. There is an accompanying loss of chloride with loss of gastric juice.

12 FUNCTIONS Major Anion of ECF Essential in fluid balance
Regulation of osmotic pressure Acid base equilibrium and formation of HCl

13 FUNCTIONS Human body contains about 15% chloride
Highest concentration being in CSF and secretion of GIT. Lowest concentration in muscle and nerve tissue

14 Chloride being present in cell (RBC) as a component
crosses cell membrane to establish equilibrium between cell contents and extra cellular fluid and minimize fluid shift. Chloride also enhances the ability of blood to carry large amounts of CO2 to the lungs and aids in potassium conservation.

15 Major Functions Maintain acid base balance Used in HCl production.
Interacts with Na+ and K+.

16 Hypo-chloremic Alkalosis
Loss of chloride exceeds that of Na causing an increase in bicarbonate and results in hypo-chloremic alkalosis.

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