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DNA: Structure.

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1 DNA: Structure

2 Happy Tuesday! Bell Work: October 8
Please draw and name the biomolecules below: 2. 3.

3 Science Fact of the Day: The tongue of a blue whale is bigger than a taxi cab, and can weigh as much as an elephant.

4 CO: I will identify the components of DNA and understand its function
CO: I will identify the components of DNA and understand its function. LO: I will write notes and practice vocabulary.

5 So far you’ve learned about…
Carbohydrates quick energy, 1:2:1, CHO Lipids Proteins, Long term energy, cell membranes, fatty acids, CHO amino acids, many different shapes, enzymes, CHON

6 Today you’re going to learn about…
Nucleic Acids---the fourth kind of biomolecule

7 A lesson from Jurassic Park...

8 The nucleic acids we’ll talk about in biology are DNA and RNA
Deoxyribonucleic acid = DNA

9 DNA is the biomolecule used to pass on genetic information to the next generation. So…your DNA is half mom, half dad!

10 The monomer of DNA is called a nucleotide, which has: 1
The monomer of DNA is called a nucleotide, which has: carbon sugar (deoxyribose) 2. phosphate group 3. nitrogenous base. This means that the elements in a nucleic acid are: C, H, O, N, and P

11 There are 4 kinds of nitrogenous bases in DNA
There are 4 kinds of nitrogenous bases in DNA. Adenine (A), Guanine (G), Cytosine (C), & Thymine (T)

12 DNA base pairing rule: ADENINE and THYMINE pair together with hydrogen bonds CYTOSINE and GUANINE pair together with hydrogen bonds Hydrogen bond Hydrogen bonds are weak (easily broken) bonds

13 The differently shaped bases are bonded together antiparallel to one another (5’3’)
When enough bases are linked together, the DNA ladder will twist into a double helix shape

14 In a Eukaryotic organism the DNA double helix will coil around histones (proteins) and eventually be packed together into chromosomes. DNA is found in the nucleus in Eukaryotic cells.

15 In a prokaryotic organism, DNA is found in the cytoplasm.

16 Important to Remember: All living things have DNA
Important to Remember: All living things have DNA! Scientists refer to this as a “common genetic code” The sequence of bases matters! The order determines the organism.

17 Vocabulary 3 Practice Vocabulary Quiz TOMORROW!

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