GCC and Military Power ( Capacity and Case study )

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1 GCC and Military Power ( Capacity and Case study )
Presenter # -1 Name: Houd Abdul Sallam AL-Mandhari ID # :

2 Introduction: Geostrategic Situation ( Oman – Qatar)
Criteria of Military Power ( Oman – Qatar) Case Study: Correlation between military spending and oil prices in all GCC countries. Conclusion: Question and Opinion. Sultan's Armed Forces  Qatar Armed Forces

3 1- Geostrategic Situation (Oman)
Square Land Area (km) 309,500 Population 4,636,262 milion (2017) Problems with its neighbors Defficult or easy to defend it (Why) Defence treaties with other countries With US in 1980

4 2- Criteria of Military power (Oman)
$9,600,000,000 billions % of GDP Defense Budget and its GDP 17 Suppliers --- Arms Deal with US of $260 m F-16 Aircrafts Buying from Ammunition factory in 2011 Military Industry Sultan’s Armed forces Total Military Personnel (72,000) Royal Air Force of Oman Total Aircraft Strength (116) Royal Army Force of Oman Combat Tanks (117) Royal Navy Force of Oman Total Naval Assets (16)

5 1- Geostrategic Situation (Qatar)
Square Land Area (km) 11,586 Population 2,639,211 m (2017) Problems with its neighbors Difficult or Easy to Defend it (Why) Defense treaties with other countries with US in 1992

6 2- Criteria of Military power (Qatar)
Qatar’s Armed Forces Total Military Personnel (12,000) Qatari Land Force Combat Tanks (92)  Qatari Navy Force Total Naval Assets (80) Qatari Air Force Total Aircraft Strength (98) $1,930,000,000 billion ,5 % of GDP Defense Budget and its GDP US estimated by $12 billion for 36 F-15 QA fighter Jets. Buying from ********************************************************************** Military Industry

7 3- Case study: Correlation between Military Spending and Oil Prices
Percentages from GDP on Military Expenditures in 2014 World average 2.3% Bahrain 4.4% Oman 13.9% Kuwait 3.4% Qatar 2.5% UAE 5.7% Saudi Arabia 10.7%

8 References: Oman Military Strength. (n.d.). Retrieved November 20, 2017, from military-strength-detail.asp?country_id=oman 2- Qatar Armed forces. (n.d.). Retrieved November 20, 2017, from 3- G.C.C. Military Spending in Era of Low Oil Prices. (n.d.). Retrieved November 20, 2017, from 4- Oman’s Air Force Upgrades: From Jaguars to F-16s & Eurofighters. (2016, May 31). Retrieved November 20, 2017, from 5- Atwood, M. B. (2017, June 14). Trump sells Qatar $12 billion of U.S. weapons days after accusing it of funding terrorism. Retrieved November 20, 2017, from 6- Wintour, P. (2017, June 05). Qatar diplomatic crisis – what you need to know. Retrieved November 20, 2017, from 7- Newspaper, M. D. (2016, December 29). New ammunition factory to begin production next year - Oman. Retrieved November 20, 2017, from 8- Oman Population (n.d.). Retrieved November 21, 2017, from ٩- احمد التوبي، (٢٠١٣).الدر المتناثر: قصص من التاريخ العماني الحديث والمعاصر. دار النشر، دار الريس. ص٢٣٥-٢٣٨

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