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Joseph Stalin and a Totalitarian Regime

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1 Joseph Stalin and a Totalitarian Regime

2 Police Control Estimated 8-13 million deaths - to minimize opponents and cause fear Kulaks who didn’t support collective farming national contingents (foreign ethnicities) – Polish, German, Koreans Russian Orthodox leaders & followers Political opponents The Great Purge – thousands of Bolsheviks who led the revolution in 1917 stood trial for treason. If not killed, many sent to labor camps

3 At the end of the conference, a tribute to Comrade Stalin was called for.  Of course, everyone leapt to his feet.           However, who would dare to be the first to stop – after all, NKVD men were in the hall waiting to see who quit first.   And in that obscure hall, unknown to the Leader, the applause went on – 6, 7, 8 minutes!   They couldn’t stop now till they collapsed of heart attacks!        Aware of the falsity of the situation, after 11 minutes, the director of the paper factory sat down in his seat.          And, oh, a miracle took place!   Everyone else stopped dead and sat down.        That, however, was how they found who the independent people were.   And that was how they set about eliminating them.   They easily pasted 10 years in a labour camp on him. -Solzhenitsyn, writing about a Communist Party meeting in 1938. 

4 I plead guilty to being one of the leaders of this 'Bloc of Rightists and Trotskyites.'   I plead guilty to the sum total of crimes committed by this counter-revolutionary organization, whether or not I knew of, whether or not I took part in, any particular act...    For three months I refused to say anything.   Then I began to testify.   Why?   Because while in prison I made a revaluation of my entire past.   For you ask yourself: "If you must die, what are you dying for?“ -Nikolai Bukharin's Last Plea to the court in 193

5 Education Students were indoctrinated at a young age support Stalin.
Students taught to report when they heard people speaking out against the nation. Some students even reported parents. Government controlled what was taught and what sources were used. Removed people from photos who opposed him and rewrote history.

6 Edited himself next to Lenin.

7 Stalin with Nikolai Yezhov – 1930s

8 Nikolai Yezhov was executed in 1940…

9 And removed from History…

10 Censorship Artists could only create work that praised the Soviet Union & Stalin. Changed writings that were translated to Russian. The government controlled television, radio, newspaper, magazine and book publishing. Would ‘jam’ foreign radio signals so civilians could not listen to them.

11 5 Year Plans Made great success in advancing the nation’s economy & production. Coal, steal (25% increase), wheat Few consumer goods and many basic rights taken away.

12 1930 “With Labor, we fulfill the plan”

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