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Presentation on theme: "MUSCULAR SYSTEM."— Presentation transcript:


2 Fitness and Flexibility
Strength: The _________ of work a muscle can do in a _______ try. Endurance: How _______ a muscle can work before it gets “_______.” Flexibility: How___ a joint can move.

3 Muscular System Tendons Skeletal Muscles Cardiac Muscle Smooth Muscle
STRUCTURE (shape) FUNCTION (job) Tendons Skeletal Muscles Cardiac Muscle Smooth Muscle Connects muscles to ______ Looks Like: (Draw a picture) ______________________________________________ These muscles _________ to bones and move them You must think about moving these muscles therefore they are _____________________ muscles. Cells Look Like: Makes the _______ squeeze and _______. ________ “things” through the body You don’t think about moving these muscles, like food going down to stomach, therefore they are ___________________ muscles Cells Look Like:

4 Important Word of the Muscular System
Contract- to _______ muscles ________ to move _______ Bones move because muscles _____ them MUSCLES NEVER PUSH!!!

5 Understanding Muscle Types

6 1. Identify which muscles are skeletal, smooth, or cardiac
foot little finger iris lips butt cheeks heart thumb bladder aorta uterus stomach 2. Write an activity that would exercise ……one of your smooth muscles ……one of your skeletal muscles

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