Learning Pathways for European Works Councils ETUI Education Project

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1 Learning Pathways for European Works Councils ETUI Education Project
EWC Conference Brussels, October 2012

2 CONTEXT Huge number of trade union representatives in European Works Councils (EWC) Specific difficulties of working in European contexts and in multinational companies More complexity of working in current economic situation A new directive with new rights not completely in practice Renegociation of many agreements

3 REASONS Need of improving the effectiveness of trade union action in EWC Need of improving and updating our EWC representatives competences Need of getting trade union representatives ready to put new EWC in place

4 OVERALL OBJECTIVE CREATION OF SPECIFIC LEARNING PATHWAYS for European Works Councils to increase the members knowledge and effectiveness in their position

5 OBJECTIVES Identify the necessary/suitable competences: knowledge, skills and attitudes of our representatives to carry out their fonctions in an effective and efficient way Analyse the scope of past and current ETUI training programmes for EWCs and their degree of success Analyse some of the European TU Federations Guidelines for EWCs

6 OBJECTIVES Systematize the ETUI training offer and suggest learning pathways adaptable to the needs of EWCs Propose suitable future ETUI training programmes to respond to the needs of EWC members and to equip them with the necessary knowledge and skills Provide with or increase the European trade union identity of our representatives through ETUI training programmes and promote their fidelity to them

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