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Figure 1 European Works Councils Multinationals database, Oct. 2002European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) Pioneering EWCs based on a formal agreement or.

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1 Figure 1 European Works Councils Multinationals database, Oct. 2002European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) Pioneering EWCs based on a formal agreement or not (by year of signature)

2 Figure 2 European Works Councils Multinationals database, Oct. 2002European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) 1985-1991 EWCs based on a formal agreement or not

3 Figure 3 European Works Councils Multinationals database, Oct. 2002European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) 1992-1994 EWCs based on a formal agreement or not

4 Figure 4 European Works Councils Multinationals database, Oct. 2002European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) Pioneering EWCs based on a formal agreement or not (by country of ownership)

5 Figure 5 European Works Councils Multinationals database, Oct. 2002European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) Agreement-based EWCs mostly in metal sector and in chemicals sector

6 Figure 6 European Works Councils Multinationals database, Oct. 2002European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) Pre-Directive EWCs not based on formal social partner agreement

7 Figure 7 European Works Councils Multinationals database, Oct. 2002European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) A growing number of EWCs

8 Figure 8 European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) 150 (+) 1000 (+) Companies covered by Directive

9 Figure 9 European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) Criteria for determination Controlling undertaking

10 Figure 10 European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) Start negotiations on creation of EWC by establishing an SNB Written request to start negotiations 100 (+) Experts No! 2/32/3 2/32/3 Special Negotiation Body SNBCentralmanagement

11 Figure 11 European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) Issues of Company Agreements 2 x2 x Undertakings concerned Composition EWC Composition of EWC Information& consultation Information & consultation Venue, frequency & duration of meetings Financial and material resources Duration of agreement SNB

12 Figure 12 European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) The implementation of subsidiary requirements 6 months 3 years

13 Figure 13 European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) Subsidiary requirements One annual meeting Appointment of members Information & consultation Extraordinary meetings Internal preparatory meeting Experts Financial & material resources extra

14 Figure 14 European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) Information & consultation rights (Subsidiary requirements) Structure of undertaking Trend of employment Cut-backs or closures Economic & financial situation and trends New working methods Organisational changes Investment plans €€ Transfer of production Collective redundancies € Development of business, production and sales

15 Figure 15 European Works Councils Multinationals database, Oct. 2002European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) Most EWCs set up based on Article 13 of the Directive Three EWC types Art 13 – before 22-09-96Art 13 – before 22-09-96 Art 6 - negotiated by SNBArt 6 - negotiated by SNB If negotiations fail: subsidiary requirements (annex)If negotiations fail: subsidiary requirements (annex) Three EWC types Art 13 – before 22-09-96Art 13 – before 22-09-96 Art 6 - negotiated by SNBArt 6 - negotiated by SNB If negotiations fail: subsidiary requirements (annex)If negotiations fail: subsidiary requirements (annex)

16 Figure 16 European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) Transposition process 22-09-1994 22-09-1996 SNB Article 13 agreements Article 6 agreements 15-12-1997 National transpositions UK extension

17 Figure 17 European Works Councils Multinationals database, Oct. 2002European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) US multinationals are governed mostly by Belgian and French transposition laws

18 Figure 18 European Works Councils Multinationals database, Oct. 2002European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) UK multinationals are governed mostly by Irish transposition law

19 Figure 19 European Works Councils Multinationals database, Oct. 2002European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) Swiss multinationals are governed mostly by German transposition law

20 Figure 20 European Works Councils Multinationals database, Oct. 2002European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) Japanese multinationals are governed mostly by UK transposition law

21 Figure 21 European Works Councils Multinationals database, Oct. 2002European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) Percentage of EWCs governed by different national transpositions

22 Figure 22 European Works Councils Multinationals database, Oct. 2002European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) Companies affected by Directives 94/45/EC and 97/74/EC (by country of ownership) *(Bahrain, Kuwait, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea)

23 Figure 23 European Works Councils Multinationals database, Oct. 2002European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) Number of countries in EEA in which multinationals have establishments (% of MNCs affected by the Directive)

24 Figure 24 European Works Councils Multinationals database, Oct. 2002European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) EEA countries hosting activities of multinationals

25 Figure 25 European Works Councils Multinationals database, Oct. 2002European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) Number of affected companies having operations in the EEA member states

26 Figure 26 European Works Councils Multinationals database, Oct. 2002European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) Of 1865 covered companies 639 now have one or more EWCs, 1226 still have to set up an EWC around one third of the covered companies have an EWC

27 Figure 27 European Works Councils Multinationals database, Oct. 2002European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) 17.1 million workers in 1865 covered companies (±10% of all workers in the European Union) 11.2 million workers are now represented in an EWC

28 Figure 28 European Works Councils Multinationals database, Oct. 2002European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) Compliance with EWC Directive higher among larger companies

29 Figure 29 European Works Councils Multinationals database, Oct. 2002European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) Proportion of large MNCs covered by Directive by country of ownership *(Bahrain, Kuwait, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea)

30 Figure 30 European Works Councils Multinationals database, Oct. 2002European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) Proportion of large MNCs covered by Directive by sector of activity

31 Figure 31 European Works Councils Multinationals database, Oct. 2002European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) Companies covered by Directives 94/45/EC and 97/74/EC (by sector of activity)

32 Figure 32 European Works Councils Multinationals database, Oct. 2002European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) The concentration of the EEA workforce in one country

33 Figure 33 European Works Councils Multinationals database, Oct. 2002European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) The concentration of the EEA workforce in one country for companies with an EWC

34 Figure 34 European Works Councils Multinationals database, Oct. 2002European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) Degree of internationalisation and compliance rate of multinationals with the Directive

35 Figure 35 European Works Councils Multinationals database, Oct. 2002European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) Degree of internationalisation and compliance rate of multinationals with the Directive (by size of MNC)

36 Figure 36 European Works Councils Multinationals database, Oct. 2002European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) Workforce concentration and compliance rate of multinationals with the Directive

37 Figure 37 European Works Councils Multinationals database, Oct. 2002European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) Workforce concentration and compliance rate of multinationals with the Directive (by size of MNC)

38 Figure 38 European Works Councils Multinationals database, Oct. 2002European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) MNCs confronted with transnational mergers and acquisitions between1999 and 2001

39 Figure 39 European Works Councils Multinationals database, Oct. 2002European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) Sectors and transnational mergers and acquisitions (peak groups engaged in a merger between 1999 and 2001)

40 Figure 40 European Works Councils Multinationals database, Oct. 2002European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) Companies that have an EWC and engaged in a transnational merger between 1999 and 2001

41 Figure 41 European Works Councils Multinationals database, Oct. 2002European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) Companies that still have to set up an EWC and engaged in a transnational merger between 1999 and 2001

42 Figure 42 European Works Councils Multinationals database, Oct. 2002 and Infopoint, 2002European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) Year of signature of agreements establishing EWCs

43 Figure 43 European Works Councils Multinationals database, Oct. 2002 and Infopoint, 2002European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) EWC agreements word count by year of signature

44 Figure 44 European Works Councils Multinationals database, Oct. 2002 and Infopoint, 2002European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) Within 639 different companies 739 EWCs are established on the basis of 811 EWC agreements

45 Figure 45 European Works Councils Multinationals database, Oct. 2002 and Infopoint, 2002European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) Several EWC agreements are open for re-negotiation or renewal after four years

46 Figure 46 European Works Councils Multinationals database, Oct. 2002 and Infopoint, 2002European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) Percentage of new and renegotiated EWC agreements

47 Figure 47 European Works Councils Multinationals database, Oct. 2002 and Infopoint, 2002European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) 64 EWCs are based upon more than one successive agreement the ETUI European Works Councils Multinationals database 2002 contains 811 EWC agreements for 739 EWCs in 635 different MNCs

48 Figure 48 European Works Councils Multinationals database, Oct. 2002 and Infopoint, 2002European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) 55 Multinational companies (8%) have more than one EWC the ETUI European Works Councils Multinationals database 2002 contains 811 EWC agreements for 739 EWCs in 635 different MNCs

49 Figure 49 European Works Councils Multinationals database, Oct. 2002 and Infopoint, 2002European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) Composition of the EWC employee-only or joint bodies

50 Figure 50 European Works Councils Multinationals database, Oct. 2002 and Infopoint, 2002European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) Composition of the EWC by country of ownership of the MNC – employee-only or joint bodies

51 Figure 51 European Works Councils Multinationals database, Oct. 2002 and Infopoint, 2002European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) Employer or employee representative chairing the EWC

52 Figure 52 European Works Councils Multinationals database, Oct. 2002 and Infopoint, 2002European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) EWC chaired by employer or workforce representative (by country of ownership MNC)

53 Figure 53 European Works Councils Multinationals database, Oct. 2002 and Infopoint, 2002European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) Authoritative language of EWC agreements 202 of 469 EWC agreements refer to the English version of the agreement as authoritative

54 Figure 54 European Works Councils Multinationals database, Oct. 2002 and Infopoint, 2002European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) EWC agreements providing for language training (by year of signature)

55 Figure 55 European Works Councils Multinationals database, Oct. 2002 and Infopoint, 2002European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) EWC agreements signed by one or more European industry federations (by size of MNC)

56 Figure 56 European Works Councils Multinationals database, Oct. 2002 and Infopoint, 2002European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) Proportion of EWCs for which support and training is co-ordinated by the respective EIFs

57 Figure 57 European Works Councils Multinationals database, Oct. 2002 and Infopoint, 2002European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) EWC agreements signed by European industry federations (by EIF and by MNC size)

58 Figure 58 European Works Councils Multinationals database, Oct. 2002 and Infopoint, 2002European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) EWC agreements signed by European industry federations (by country of ownership of the MNC)

59 Figure 59 European Works Councils Multinationals database, Oct. 2002 and Infopoint, 2002European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) Size of the European works councils

60 Figure 60 European Works Councils Multinationals database, Oct. 2002 and Infopoint, 2002European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) Proportion of large and small European works councils (size in EWC members) Almost half of the EWCs have 10 to 20 members

61 Figure 61 European Works Councils Multinationals database, Oct. 2002 and Infopoint, 2002European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) Proportion of large EWCs greater in companies with more than 10,000 workers

62 Figure 62 European Works Councils Multinationals database, Oct. 2002 and Infopoint, 2002European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) Proportion of large EWCs greater in companies with operations in more EEA countries

63 Figure 63 European Works Councils Multinationals database, Oct. 2002 and Infopoint, 2002European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) Proportion of agreements providing for a select committee

64 Figure 64 European Works Councils Multinationals database, Oct. 2002 and Infopoint, 2002European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) Size of select committee

65 Figure 65 European Works Councils Multinationals database, Oct. 2002 and Infopoint, 2002European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) Proportion of large select committees greater in companies with more than 10,000 workers

66 Figure 66 European Works Councils Multinationals database, Oct. 2002 and Infopoint, 2002European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) Number of meetings provided for in the EWC agreements

67 Figure 67 European Works Councils Multinationals database, Oct. 2002 and Infopoint, 2002European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) Number of EWC meetings by year of signature of the EWC agreement

68 Figure 68 European Works Councils Multinationals database, Oct. 2002European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) More than one in four companies affected by the EWC Directive has operations in EU applicant countries 547 1318

69 Figure 69 European Works Councils Multinationals database, Oct. 2002European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) Multinationals having operations in EU applicant countries (% of all MNCs affected by the Directive)

70 Figure 70 European Works Councils Multinationals database, Oct. 2002European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) EEA countries hosting activities of multinationals

71 Figure 71 European Works Councils Multinationals database, Oct. 2002European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) Companies covered by the EWC Directive with subsidiaries in EU applicant countries (by country of ownership) *(Bahrain, Kuwait, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea)

72 Figure 72 European Works Councils Multinationals database, Oct. 2002European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) Size of companies having operations in applicant countries

73 Figure 73 European Works Councils Multinationals database, Oct. 2002European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) Degree of internationalisation and proportion of multinationals having an establishment in CEEC (by number of countries of operation)

74 Figure 74 European Works Councils Multinationals database, Oct. 2002European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) European works councils within companies that have operations in EU applicant countries

75 Figure 75 European Works Councils Multinationals database, Oct. 2002European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) Representation of EU applicant country workers in multinational companies

76 Figure 76 European Works Councils Multinationals database, Oct. 2002European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) Involvement of EU applicant country representatives in EWCs

77 Figure 77 European Works Councils Multinationals database, Oct. 2002European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) Multinationals affected by the Directive (by employment scale in EU applicant country)

78 Figure 78 European Works Councils Multinationals database, Oct. 2002European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) Involvement of EU applicant country representatives in EWCs (by country of ownership of MNC) *(Bahrain, Kuwait, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore, South Africa South Korea)

79 Figure 79 European Works Councils Multinationals database, Oct. 2002European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) Involvement of EU applicant country representatives in EWCs (by employment scale in EEA)

80 Figure 80 European Works Councils Multinationals database, Oct. 2002European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) Multinationals affected by the Directive having operations in EU applicant countries and in Poland (by employment scale in EEA)

81 Figure 81 European Works Councils Multinationals database, Oct. 2002European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) Multinationals having an establishment in EU applicant countries and in Poland (by number of countries of operation in EEA)

82 Figure 82 European Works Councils Multinationals database, Oct. 2002European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) Size of Polish subsidiaries of multinationals covered by the EWC Directive

83 Figure 83 European Works Councils Multinationals database, Oct. 2002European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) Polish involvement in EWCs (by size of the Polish workforce)

84 Figure 84 European Works Councils Multinationals database, Oct. 2002European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) Type of Polish involvement in EWCs

85 Figure 85 European Works Councils Multinationals database, Oct. 2002European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) Type of Polish involvement in EWCs (by size of the MNC)

86 Figure 86 European Works Councils Multinationals database, Oct. 2002European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) Type of Polish involvement in EWCs (by country of ownership of MNC)

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