Online Education Run video station rotation.

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Presentation on theme: " Online Education Run video station rotation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Online Education Run video station rotation

2 Why implement in the classroom?
All material is directly aligned with the curriculum in Mathematics and Language Arts. Students enjoy the use of devices Allows monitoring students’ work outside of the classroom. (Vacation, homework, ill student)

3 Why implement in the classroom?
Allow for assessment formative and summative Collect data on students performance Use data collected to inform instruction- reports, item analysis Excellent tool for revision and practice Excellent tool for reinforcement of concepts

4 Why implement in the classroom?
Saves time with correcting students’ work more time or planning instruction. Supports differentiation by task Hundreds of readily available exercises- Perfect for drill and practice! Mini tutorials assist students during independent work.

5 Data Driven Decision Making DDDM
Using to Analyse Data



8 Data Driven Decision Making Practice/revision Class report Item analysis Collect Data Instruction

9 Data Driven Decision Making

10 Implementation Methods
Station Rotation Blended Learning Model

11 Station Rotation Blended Learning Model

12 Station Rotation with
Concept Development (Teacher leads) Hands-on manipulation of resources, practice material/worksheet (collaborative) practice exercises- (independent)

13 Station Rotation with
The Station-Rotation model allows students to visit various stations or centers during the allotted time for a specific subject. When using adaptive learning software that continually differentiates for students in real- time, they are able to move at their own pace and make self-directed choices. Also, teachers have better data and opportunities to differentiate for all students during whole class or small group work.

14 Implementing “Preparation”
Step 1 – register teacher and all students (create usernames and passwords that are easy to remember) e.g Username: jaellebeckles Password : jaelle1 Step 2 – register whole class Step 3- organize students in work groups (heterogeneous or homogenous grouping) Step 4- Schedule computer lab time/ time e.g

15 Implementing Preparation cont’d
Step 5- Have students label a note book or folder with sheets for working problems. All working should be labeled according to corresponding exercise online. e.g. “Angles practice exercise 1”

16 Registration (wait for confirmation e-mail)
Student registration video

17 Sign In

18 Register Class Run Whole class registration video

19 Learning Progression Refer to document

20 All Set!

21 Practice exercises

22 Revision Exercises

23 Practice makes Perfect

24 Implementation methods Hand out Implementation methods Hand out Refer to handout

25 Technical Support Call or

26 Call

27 Questions You know you want to!! Thank you!!!

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