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Nuclear Energy Pros and Cons

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Presentation on theme: "Nuclear Energy Pros and Cons"— Presentation transcript:

1 Nuclear Energy Pros and Cons

2 Pros: Low Pollution Less greenhouse emissions than fossil fuels
Does not release methane and carbon dioxide, which are the primary “greenhouse gasses”

3 Pros: Low Operating Costs
produces very inexpensive electricity. The cost of the uranium, which is used as a fuel in this process, is low. The cost for set up = high BUT the cost to run = low

4 Pros: Reliability Nuclear power is NOT dependent on the weather or climate Can be run year round, does not need the sun, etc. Uranium lasts longer than fossil fuel once burned 2 million times more powerful than coal

5 Pros: Proficient (?) The amount of fuel required by nuclear power plant is less than what is required by other power plants. The energy released by nuclear fission is approximately ten million times greater than the amount of energy released by fossil fuel atom. Also, nuclear energy doesn’t rely on fossil fuels and isn’t influenced by changing oil and gas costs.

6 Pros: The Technology is Excellent
Advanced technology that focuses on safety. All meltdowns or disasters= human caused OR natural disaster NOT a system failure

7 Cons: Radioactive Waste
20 tons of nuclear power per year creates nuclear waste Over time, used nuclear fuel decays to safe radioactive levels Time frame: 100 years

8 Cons: Nuclear Accidents
The radioactive waste produced can pose serious health effects on the lives of people as well as the environment. Three Mile Island, Chernobyl and Fukushima

9 Cons: High Cost Nuclear fuel disposal= expensive
Building a plant = expensive Companies need permission from several authorities Residents near the proposed plants DO NOT want them there

10 Cons: Uranium is limited
Just like other sources of fuel, the uranium supply is limited and exists in only a few countries

11 Cons: Target for Terrorists
Nuclear energy has massive power. If these weapons end up in the wrong hands, it could result in disaster. Nuclear power plants are a prime target for terrorism activities

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