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American Slavery.

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1 American Slavery

2 West Africa and Slavery
West Africans sold slaves To find people to sell into slavery, they would go to war and take prisoners. American Slavery Video


4 Triangular Trade, 1750 American settlers in the 13 Colonies and the U.S.A. continued this practice of using slaves. They participated in the triangular trade which involved trading slaves.

5 American Slave Codes Slaves could not marry
To control slaves in the U.S.A., laws were passed. These laws included the following: Slaves could not marry Slaves could not leave the plantation without a note Slaves could not learn to read or write Slaves could not vote Slaves could not drink alcohol or have a weapon

6 Families… Separation – Families were Often sold and Separated
Causing great suffering And pain. Marriage – was illegal for slaves

7 Slavery in the Southern States
Eventually, the U.S.A. became divided into North and South. North – eventually slavery was illegal South – slavery was popular This eventually led to the Civil War after which slavery was abolished

8 Ed Puzzle Videos Slavery Begins in America Questions 1-6 Escape From Slavery Questions 1-5

9 Kongo and the Slave Trade
The Kongo Kingdom pg Kongo and Portugal Kongo and the Slave Trade Trading Goods 1. 2. 3. Portuguese Influence Pros/Why did they feel it was beneficial? Cons/What negative factors were caused?

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