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English Period:2 Ms.Duarte

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1 English Period:2 Ms.Duarte
Binge Eating By:Natalie Valdovinos,Isabella Gonzalez,Wendy Tolentino, and Maylee Ortega English Period:2 Ms.Duarte

2 Video

3 Definition *The definition of binge eating is when you frequently consume a large amount of food in short amount of time. *But for some people, overeating can feel out of control and can be a regular thing that can cross the line to binge eating.

4 Signs Of Binge Eating *Lack of control once one begins to eat
*Depression *Grief (sad) *Anxiety *Shame *Disgust or self-hatred about eating behaviors.

5 Symptoms of Binge Eating
*Eating unusually large amounts of food in a specific amount of time, such as over a 2-hour period *Eating even when you're full or not hungry *Eating rapidly during binge episodes *Eating until you're uncomfortably full *Frequently eating alone or in secret *Feeling depressed, disgusted, ashamed, guilty or upset about your eating *Frequently dieting, possibly without weight loss feeling that your eating behavior is out of control

6 The Diagnosis Of Binge Eating
*The diagnosis of binge eating disorder your doctor may recommend a psychological evaluation also your doctor may include a discussion of your eating habits. *And your doctor may want you to do some other test to check of binge eating disorder. Such as high cholesterol, high blood pressure, heart problems, diabetes.

7 Treatments and Medications Of Binge Eating
*Therapy and counselling are mostly the first steps in treating the disorder. *The doctors haven’t found any medication for a binge eating disorder.

8 Prognosis * Treatments that fall into this camp include cognitive (how a person thinks) behavioral therapy, which addresses a person's thoughts and behaviors about eating and self-image, and interpersonal psychotherapy, which helps a person face and heal rifts in current relationships. *Treatment of binge eating is challenging, because most people feel ashamed of their disordered and try to hide their problem. *If a person with a binge eating disorder doesn't get treated they would be in weight issues.

9 6 facts binge eating disorder
Binge eating disorder affects three times the number of people diagnosed with anorexia bulimia combined. Binge eating is associated with being overweight obese. You can be obese and not have binge eating disorder. Binge eaters feel shame to eat in front of others. Diet to regain control and feel ashamed of themselves. A person with a binge eating disorder can also go through depression.

10 2 famous people with binge eating
*Melanie Chisholm developed an eating disorder and depression that left her ‘struggling to get out of bed while in the Spice Girls. She was on anti-depression for 18 month. While becoming a mother it helped her overcome her eating disorder. Melanie knew that she was pregnant so she wanted to give Scarlet the nutrients to grow fit, strong and healthy. *Demi lovato had struggle with bipolar disorder and her eating disorder. Demi was overeating at an very young age. Altogether she almost stop eating at the age of 12, after being harassed by other kids at school for being fat. Her eating disorder will continued to affect her life but by the help with family and friends she is more cautious of her disorder.

11 Stigma * The stigma with disorder starts when people start seeing them or themselves differently. * The stigma negatively affects them from every aspect of their individual lives such as (relationships, academic achievement and employment opportunities.)

12 Hotline,Website,or location
HP7 0JB Time: 7.15 for 7.30pm pm Buckinghamshire HP5 1HU Telephone at any time

13 Resources causes/dxc

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