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Children of Heaven Book 3 Lesson 2.

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1 Children of Heaven Book 3 Lesson 2

2 分詞構句 改寫步驟: 1. 省略連接詞 2. 連接詞所接之副詞子句的主詞與主要子句同,省略主詞 3. 將副詞子句中的動詞改成分詞(主動=Ving;被動=Vpp) Ex. Dan ran away and left his father alone at home. Dan ran away, leaving his father alone at home. Ex. Because he was getting tired, he left the office earlier. Getting tired, he left the office earlier. Ex. The boy looked at the girl and was determined to talk to her. The boy looked at the girl, (being) determined to talk to her.

3 本課分詞構句: Getting more and more exhausted, he thought only of Zahra and his promise to her. (line 30) -- As he was getting… He stayed right behind the two fastest runners, determined to finish third. (line 33) -- and was determined… Refusing to give up at this point, he jumped to his feet and ran as fast as he could. (line 36) -- As he refused… Filled with sorrow, Ali walked home slowly and found his sister eagerly waiting outside. (line 42) -- As he was filled… She ran inside, leaving Ali alone at the door. (line45) -- and left…

4 My mother sat on the sofa, watching her favorite TV program.
句型重點5 Loving his girlfriend with all his heart, Jack is willing to do everything for her. My mother sat on the sofa, watching her favorite TV program. Walking along the street, we ran into an old friend of ours.

5 …and they had only a little money with which to buy food.
a few + 可數名詞 (有一些:肯定用法)  few + 可數名詞 (幾乎沒有:否定用法) with which to buy food = with which they can buy food

6 V1 As they had not paid the rent for several months, the landlord was breathing down their necks. as = because V1動作時間早於V2 ,用“過去完成式” breathe down one’s neck = watch someone closely (常用進行式) V2 片語重點1 This morning, Tim’s boss was breathing down his neck.

7 It was not until he got home that he realized he had lost the shoes.
原句: He did not realize he had lost the shoes until he got home. 改寫步驟 1. 原句until後面的部分不變,並放到 it is/was not until…that中間 2. 把原句until 前面的部分改成肯定句,放到that的後面 3. 需注意that後面子句的動詞時態變化 註: until 在肯定句中表某動作終點;在否定句中表某動作起點 ex. Kim studied English until eleven o’clock. (終點) Kim didn’t go to bed until eleven o’clock. (起點)

8 It was not until he got home that he realized he had lost the shoes.
倒裝句句型: Not until + 1. 某個時間點 + 1. be + S + V 2. S+V 2. aux. V  Not until he got home did he realize he had lost the shoes. 註: 改寫時until 後面緊接的部分不變

9 改寫看看: I didn’t hear from him until this spring.  It was not until this spring that I heard from him.  Not until this spring did I hear from him. Jack is not allowed to go out until his mother comes back.  It is not until his mother comes back that he is allowed to go out.  Not until his mother comes back is he allowed to go out.

10 It was not until the bell rang that we finished class.
句型重點1 It was not until the bell rang that we finished class. = We didn’t finish class until the bell rang. = Not until the bell rang did we finish class. It was not until Nancy’s boyfriend apologized to her that she forgave him. = Nancy didn’t forgive her boyfriend until he apologized to her. = Not until Nancy’s boyfriend apologized to her did she forgive him.

11 keep sth. a secret (from someone)
…as + adj./adv. + as + sb. can/could + possible 片語重點2 John keeps his relationship with Mary a secret.

12 A few weeks later, Zahra noticed one of her classmates was wearing her shoes that Ali had lost.
notice & wear 在同一過去時間點 (過去簡單/進行式) lose更早發生 (過去完成式) 句型重點3 The dancers performed better than we had expected. The old lady lost the watch that she had bought a week earlier.

13 They discovered that her family was even poorer than theirs.
even/still/much/far/a lot + 比較級 theirs 所有格代名詞 = their family

14 Ali and Zahra were so filled with pity and compassion that they couldn’t ask the girl to return the shoes. be filled with = be full of so + adj./adv. + that +S+V 片語重點8 The glass is filled with water. = The glass is full of water 句型重點4 Vincent played the violin so well that he attracted many passers-by. My younger sister is so shy that she doesn’t dare to make a speech.

15 long-distance race 長跑比賽
cross-country race 越野賽 relay race 接力賽 race-walking 競走比賽 obstacle race 障礙賽 be held = take place take part (in) = participate (in) = join (in) win sb. sth. = win sth. for sb.

16 Dreaming of the new shoes (that) he would win for his sister gave him strength, and he stayed right behind the two fastest runners, determined to finish third. 此句分詞構句;原句為: he stayed right behind the two fastest runners, and he was determined to finish third.

17 be determined to +VR determine to +VR
determined → adj. determine → V 下決心去…(強調心理狀態) 決定.. (強調動作) = decide to +VR 片語重點3 We are determined to finish the project in two weeks.

18 draw near/closer: 接近;靠近
= when draw near/closer: 接近;靠近 Suddenly, as the finish line drew near, another runner collided with Ali from behind and he crashed to the ground. 未限定的另一個 = bump into = crash into Mr. and Mrs. Smith’s car collided with a truck on the highway.

19 another/the other/other/others/the others 的區分
Adjective Pronoun 非特定 單數 another +N another 複數 other +Ns others 特定 the other +N the other the other +Ns the others

20 If he had come in third, he could have won the prize he wanted.
假設語氣的基本規則 <影片教學>

21 假設語氣的倒裝 If I were a bird, I could fly in the sky.
if子句(條件句)裡有were, had, should的情況下,可以將其以倒裝的方式呈現 If I were a bird, I could fly in the sky.   → Were I a bird, I could fly in the sky. If I had had money, I could have bought the book. → Had I had money, I could have bought the book.  If it should rain tomorrow, I would go out.   → Should it rain tomorrow, I would go out. 句型重點2 If Karen had gone to the concert with us last week, she would have enjoyed herself. If I had arrived home in time yesterday, I could have watched my favorite program.

22 OC(受詞補語)可以為: Adj./Ving (主動)/Vpp(被動) 介系詞片語/名詞片語 S + V + O + OC 此句型的動詞多為: find, keep, leave, made, consider Ali walked home slowly and found his sister eagerly waiting outside. She ran inside, leaving Ali alone at the door. 句型重點6 My English teacher found his dictionary missing. The students found the test very difficult.

23 Adj./Ving (主動)/Vpp(被動)
S + V, with + O + OC OC(受詞補語)可以為: Adj./Ving (主動)/Vpp(被動) 介系詞片語 Their father was riding home from work, with two new pairs of shoes on the back of his bicycle. 句型重點7 The woman ran out of her house, with tears on her face. The singer was standing in front of his girlfriend , with a box of chocolate in his hands.

24 jump to one’s feet = stand up quickly
The little girl jumped to her feet and looked around as soon as she heard a strange voice. come in + 序數 I can’t believe that we came in first in the finals. let sb. down = disappoint sb. Mark said to his parents, “Don’t worry. I won’t let you down.” 片語重點5 片語重點6 片語重點7

25 Neither of the kids knew that …
兩者 三者以上 皆是 both all 皆不 neither none

26 pp. 32 (practice A) It was not until yesterday that the victim’s family was informed of the bad news. It was not until I apologized to my father that he forgave me. It was not until Sam actually became a dad that he knew how to be one. It was not until I started to learn French that I realized English is not a difficult language. It is not until the guest of honor arrives that the ceremony will start.

27 It was not until then that Justin realized
pp. 32 (practice B) did not know until they received It was not until then that Justin realized It was not until pimples popped up all over his face that he swore It was not until his girlfriend broke up with him that he realized

28 pp. 33 (practice A) pp. 34 (practice B)
had gotten up early this morning had come to the party last weekend hadn’t rained heavily yesterday had eaten something for breakfast pp. 34 (practice B) hadn’t drunk too much coffee, she would have slept well last night. hadn’t had a bad cold yesterday, she would have done better on the exam had finished a book report, he wouldn’t have had to stay up late last night.

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