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Nation Building in Latin America

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1 Nation Building in Latin America
Ch. 14.4 Page 453

2 Nationalist Revolts By the end of the 18th century (1700s), there were new ideas from the colonists breaking away from the British. Let’s discuss ^^^ Latin America gained ideas & confidence Europe was about to lose control, literally, of it’s Latin nations.

3 Note-Taking Directions
Write the headings & what’s in red

4 Prelude to Revolution Creoles- descendants of Europeans born in Latin America and lived there permanently Supported: the legal equality of all people Free trade Free press Creole elites began to go against the rule of Spain & Portugal When Napoleon overthrew the monarchies of Spain & Portugal, it weakened their authority in the colonies

5 Prelude to Revolution (Continued)
Between 1807 & 1825, revolts freed most of Latin America Haitian Revolution French Colony of St. Domingue on Hispanolia Revolt led by Francois Dominique Toussant-Louverture 100,000+ slaves revolted & took over Hispanolia 1/1/1804- the western part (now Haiti) announced it’s freedom and became the first independent state in Latin America

6 Revolt in Mexico A priest named Miguel Hidalgo studied the FR & got the Natives & mestizos (people of European & Native American descent) pumped about overthrowing Spanish rule of Mexico 9/6/1810- ^^^ got clubs, machetes, and guns, started a revolt, but were soon shut down; the leader was sentenced to death The movement grew, and in 1821, Mexico declared its independence from Spain. 1823- Mexico became a republic

7 Revolts in South America
VIPs Jose de San Martin Simon Bolivar Led revolutions throughout SA Fought for independence and won Europe still wanted control. Why do you think?

8 Monroe Doctrine US President James Madison stood up for the new Latin American nations 1823- Monroe Doctrine guaranteed independence of the new Latin American nations, and warned against any European intervention in the Americas

9 Exit Questions How were European nations in charge of New World areas of Latin America & South America? How did the Latin & South Americans get independence? What did the Monroe Doctrine do?

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