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American Indians in North America and North Carolina 8000B. C. -A. D

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1 American Indians in North America and North Carolina 8000B. C. -A. D

2 Connect to U.S. History Before Europeans arrived, North America was home to many different people None of the people left no written records Archaeologists, scientists who study the remains of early people, have found artifacts Artifacts are objects fashioned by human hands Stone spears points, bone tools, bits of pottery give clues that help scientists understand how people first arrived in North America 1200 years ago people came from Asia during the last Ice Age

3 A land bridge existed where the Bering Strait is now and connected Asia to North America
Archaeologists believe that Bering land bridge was the pathway the first people followed to North America Asian hunters wandered into North America Around 10,000 years ago, temperatures around the world began to warm up Glaciers melted and sea levels rose Bering land bridge disappeared under the rising water

4 Before the bridge disappeared humans had spread into North and South America

5 The First People of North America
October 12,1492 Christopher Columbus’s three ships appeared off the horizon of a tiny island in the Bahamas, near the coast of Florida Columbus sailed west from Spain in an attempt to reach the eastern coast of Asia Landing in the Bahamas, thinking he had reached the Indies, Columbus called the inhabitants “Indians” Their names for themselves: “The First People,” “The Ancient Ones,” “The Original Ones” Today we call them Native Americans, or people “native to” the Americas Native Americans developed many different cultures

6 Culture is a people’s way of life
Includes the kind of tools they make, food they eat, language they speak, how they teach their children, they way they view the world To study cultures of people, scientists have grouped them into culture regions, areas where methods of living are alike

7 American Indians in North America and North Carolina Answer the following Questions:
How did archaeologist learn about early people? Where did the early people of North America arrive from? What caused the land bridge to disappear? Who are archaeologist? Where did Columbus land on his voyage and where was his intended landing site? What is culture? What are artifacts? How are scientists able to understand how people first arrived in North America?

8 9. How was Asia and North America once connected. 10
9. How was Asia and North America once connected? 10. How do scientists study cultures? 11. What are some artifacts scientists have studied to learn about early people?

9 The Pacific Northwest First fishing and whaling people arrived in the Northwest 7,000to 9,000 year ago Makah lived in the land of plenty Oceans and the inland rivers yielded a wealth of fish----halibut, sweet rock cod, salmon Shores harbored shellfish such as clams, mussels, sea urchins Woods contained game, wild cranberries, huckleberries Tall cedar trees provided planks for canoes and multifamily longhouses

10 Strips of cedar bark woven into rope, blankets, clothing
Pacific, Makah hunted for gray whales, captured whales meant extra and lots of oil for trade The Desert Southwest Temperatures top 100 degrees Lizards, small rodents burrow into the sand to escape the heat Only cactus, sagebrush, prickly yucca plants thrived Hohokam or Perished Ones settled in the region Dug irrigation ditches to the Salt and Gila rivers

11 Hohokam used the water to coax gardens from the dry, dusty desert soil
The Anasazi or Ancient Ones moved into the region around the same time Master builders that constructed huge apartments like complexes out of sun-dried clay bricks called adobe Anasazi settled in canyons and on the tops of mesas, plateaus that soared high above the desert floor to protect themselves from invaders

12 By the time the Spanish arrived the Hohokam and Anasazi had deserted their fields and towns
Some archaeologist believe they fled enemies or drought Others think they simply gave way to people who claimed to be their descendants----the Hopi, Pima, Zuni, Tewa, and others These desert peoples farmed parched land and built adobe villages the Spanish called pueblos, which is the Spanish word for towns

13 Answer the following questions
What was the primary food of the Makah? How did the Makah use cedar trees? Why did the Makah hunt gray whale? How did the Hohokam and Anasazi survive in the desert? What did the desert people use to build their homes? Why did the Anasazi build their dwellings on cliff walls and the top of mesas?

14 The Plains Culture region stretched from the Rocky Mts. To the Mississippi River to the grasslands of the Great Plains Buffalo roamed the plains To the people of the Plains the buffalo meant life itself Few trees and little water existed on the Plains Plains people farmed part of the year, they depended on the buffalo to supply most of their needs

15 Used buffalo meat for food, skins for clothes, shelter, bones for tools
Plains people, such as the Pawnee, followed the buffalo herds during spring and autumn migration During these migrations, people lived as nomads, wandering from place to place Plains people lived in semi-permanent villages Great Plains lacked trees

16 The Eastern Woodlands Eastern Woodland region, people hunted and farmed in the 1400s They cleared the forest by slash-and-burn method Using stone axes, they sliced the bark off trees, leaving the trees to die; then they set fire to the dead trees and surrounding brush; when the soil wore out, the people moved on; gradually new trees and undergrowth reclaimed the land Amid the ashes, women planted seed that grew into beans, maize, squash, vines, sunflowers Farmers and hunters in the Eastern Woodlands 1300s, the Oneida, Seneca, Onondaga, Cayuga, Mohawk, Iroquois nations created the Iroquois League, a council that worked to prevent warfare among member nations The unity among the Iroquois made them a powerful force in the north

17 Among the most powerful of these groups in the north were the Iroquois
In the south, other groups developed impressive cultures of their own Among these were the first inhabitians of what is now North Carolina

18 Answer the following questions
1. How did the Native Americans of the Plains use buffalo? 2.How do you think the elimination of the buffalo from the Plains would affect Native Americans of the Plains? 3. How did people of the Eastern Woodlands change the landscape? 4. What caused the people of the Eastern Woodlands to move their settlements? 5. Who first settled the Americas and North Carolina and what kinds of cultures did they develop to survive? 6.How did the Native Americans in each culture region use their environment for food? 7. In 1492, what Native American culture region included present-day North Carolina? 8. What is slash-and-burn?

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