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Public Meeting Presentation 2013

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1 Public Meeting Presentation 2013
Dr Ciaran Byrne, Chief Executive Officer

2 Vision and Mission Vision “To provide an accessible and sustainable, world class, inland fisheries resource for all” Mission “To ensure the valuable natural resources of Inland Fisheries and Sea Angling are conserved, managed, developed and promoted in their own right and generate a positive return for the community”

3 The Principal Act Background:
Principal Act is the 1959 (Consolidated) Fisheries Act which is 54 years old. This Act was itself a consolidation from the 1820’s 1959 Act reflects a different era when the focus of protection was on salmon fisheries and privately owned fisheries. No real protection for habitats only fish – must incorporate relevant EU Directives No references to biosecurity or aquatic invasive species The act is very prescriptive and details over 120 fisheries offences – some no longer relevant

4 IFI Corporate Plan 4 Measures:
To improve the protection and conservation of the resource To develop and improve wild fish populations To increase the number of anglers To generate a better return for Ireland from the resource

5 Legislation – Option Generation

6 Protection Rationale: This is an opportunity to overhaul the system
IFI will be a smaller organisation and we have to legislate for the efficiencies which we want – streamline the enforcement area Bringing prosecutions is expensive and relatively inefficient - want to reduce the number of people we bring to court but have bigger sanctions when we get there Also want to be able to target repeat offenders in efficient way – capture cumulative fisheries offences Enhanced working with other stakeholders (S. 294 Private Water keepers)

7 Protection Options: Refresh current system and bring in some new offences / remove non relevant ones Section 294 Water Keepers - modernise this provision? iii) Modernise the system and bring in measures like a) Penalty point system b) Grading of offences and associated fines c) Stronger sanctions for prosecutions d) Streamline payment system for fines and cut out inefficiencies

8 Fisheries Rationale: General principle of management - must know who owns what, and where ? State fundamentally interested in identifying / clarifying ownership of fisheries Need to address this issue for the sustainable development of the angling resource To facilitate long term structured management agreements with Angling Clubs and Federations The focus is on removing the barriers to enter the sport for domestic and tourist participants

9 Fisheries Options: Do nothing - avoid this issue in the new legislation Re-establish a fisheries title unit and sequentially work through all title issues Identify a more streamlined way of dealing with fisheries title in new legislation

10 Rates Rationale: Fisheries originally rated in similar way to commercial properties – i.e. on the ability to derive an income from them Complete disjoint between the ratable valuation and the status of the fisheries Rates are tied in with the title issue and in a significant number of cases it is not clear who the rated occupier is (for historical reasons) Significant amount of energy and admin time expended to generate a relatively small amount of revenue – need to look at system

11 Rates Options: Continue with the current system - (do nothing option)
Abolish rates Modernise the system

12 Fisheries Development
Rationale: IFI is a smaller organisation - can no longer do everything itself & need to remove the disjoint between the sector and the agencies which previously existed Need to get the sector (Clubs & Federations) involved directly in development and promotion of angling - what is the best way to do this ? To manage the sector IFI needs to understand the dynamics of it – need to get an understanding of domestic & visiting anglers To have top quality angling sport we must identify method of resourcing fisheries development on a long term sustainable basis

13 Fisheries Development
Options: Continue with the current system - (do nothing option) ii) Modernise the system and identify methods to resource fisheries development on a long term sustainable basis

14 Biosecurity Rationale: This was not an issue in 1959!
Biosecurity / invasive species management WILL become a significant part of IFI’s work into the future Must adopt stringent controls on the importation and movement of species - at ports of entry - we are and island nation, this should be possible Also must understand movement within the country Some protection in Habitats Directive but need strong direct sanctions - ie. penalties for moving introducing species

15 Biosecurity Options: Continue with the current system - (do nothing option) ii) Modernise the system and identify methods to ensure we, either prevent the introduction of, or eliminate any aquatic invasive species

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