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Pump-Up What would it be like to not have the freedom to choose what you buy, where you work, what you eat, and what you say? What would you miss the most?

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Presentation on theme: "Pump-Up What would it be like to not have the freedom to choose what you buy, where you work, what you eat, and what you say? What would you miss the most?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Pump-Up What would it be like to not have the freedom to choose what you buy, where you work, what you eat, and what you say? What would you miss the most? Explain why.

2 Communism in Russia & China

3 Today’s Vocabulary Totalitarianism
A gov’t that takes total control over every aspect of public and private life.

4 Arising Problems in Russia
Russian czars used harsh measures to establish a uniform Russian culture. Many new problems are created as Russia industrializes. A revolutionary group known as the Bolsheviks gain popularity. Founded on the beliefs of Karl Marx. Vladimir Lenin became the leader of the Bolsheviks.

5 Crises at Home and Abroad
Russia lost control of Manchuria and Korea during the Russo-Japanese War. Bloody Sunday When a crowd assembled to ask for changes, the army fired into the crowd. Wounded 1,000 people. WWI Within a year, more than 4 million soldiers had been wounded. Rasputin was ruling the country. Food and other supplies were dwindling—inflation!

6 The March Revolution 200,000 workers swarmed the streets shouting, “Down with the czar!” and “Down with the war!” Soldiers obeyed orders to shoot the rioters but later sided with them. They forced Czar Nicholas II to abdicate his throne. Nicholas and his family were executed. The Duma decided to continue fighting in WWI. Soviets formed to protest this. Lenin returns to Russia after many years of exile.

7 The Bolshevik Revolution
Lenin and the Bolshevik takeover. Ordered that all farmland be distributed among the peasants. Gave control of factories to the workers. Russia withdraws from WWI. Russia surrendered a large part of its territory to Germany. This triggered anger among many Russians. The White Army rose up against the Bolshevik Red Army. 14 million died in the 3 year struggle and in the famine that followed. In the end, the Red Army crushed all opposition.

8 Lenin Restores Order Lenin had to revert to a small scale version of capitalism to restore the economy. Instead of giving surplus goods to the gov’t, businesses could sell these goods. Russia is renamed the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. (USSR) The Bolsheviks rename their party the Communist Party.

9 Evolution of Communist Thought
Marx Lenin History was the story of class struggle. The struggle was between capitalists and the workers. The struggle was capitalists against the workers and the peasants. The workers numbers would become so great and their condition so poor that a spontaneous revolution would occur. The workers and peasants were not capable of leading a revolution and needed the guidance of professional revolutionaries. The revolution would end with a “dictatorship of the workers” and the communal ownership of wealth. After the revolution, the state needed to be run by a single party with disciplined, centrally directed administrators in order to ensure its goals.

10 Stalin Becomes Dictator
When Lenin suffered a stroke Stalin was able to take control. He was cold, hard, and impersonal. Stalin means “man of steel.” Stalin will wield absolute power as a dictator.

11 Totalitarianism Leaders appear to provide a sense of security and to give a direction for the future. To dominate an entire nation, they devise methods of control and persuasion. Terror, indoctrination, propaganda, censorship, and religious or ethnic persecution.

12 Stalin Builds a Totalitarian State
Stalin launched the Great Purge to eliminate anyone who threatened his power. 8-13 million people died. Stalin controlled all sources of information. He wouldn’t tolerate individual creativity that didn’t conform to his views. Stalin controlled education. Children learned the virtues of the Communist Party and the importance of sacrifice and hard work to build the Communist state. Stalin persecuted many churches. Propaganda was displayed to show that religious beliefs were mere superstitions.

13 Stalin Seizes Control of the Economy
Command economy A system in which the gov’t makes all economic decisions. Stalin created several Five-Year Plans to increase the output of steel, coal, oil, and electricity. As a result, people faced severe shortages of housing, food, clothing, and other necessary goods. Stalin seized over 25 million privately owned farms and called the state owned farms “collectives”. Between 5-10 million who resisted died.

14 Women’s Rights Expand Men and women were declared equal.
Women gained educational opportunities. Opened up many jobs traditionally held by men. Women were expected to provide the state with future generations of loyal and obedient children.

15 Total Control Achieved
Joseph Stalin stood unopposed as dictator leader of the Communist Party. He wouldn’t tolerate individual creativity b/c he saw it as a threat to the conformity and obedience required of citizens in a totalitarian state.

16 Nationalists Overthrow China’s Dynasty
The Nationalist Party succeeded in overthrowing the last emperor of the Qing dynasty. The new gov’t hoped to establish nationalism, democracy, and economic security for all Chinese. China joined WWI on the Allies side. Hoped to regain control of Chinese territories that had previously belonged to Germany. May Fourth Movement Many turned against democracy in favor of communism.

17 Communist Party in China
The Communist Party forms in China with Mao Zedong as its leader. Lenin and the Nationalist Party support the communist. Peasants aligned with the Communist b/c the Nationalist party became corrupt. Land gained was divided and given to the local farmers. The Nationalist Party turned against the Communist and killed many of their leaders. Civil war erupts.

18 Civil War in China The Nationalist surrounded the Communist.
The Communist were able to escape and went on the Long March. Japan invades Manchuria and then all of China. Communists and Nationalist join forces to fight against the Japanese.

19 Reflection Explain how Russia and China built totalitarian gov’ts.

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