Psychology Club at UTSA

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1 Psychology Club at UTSA
@psychclubutsa UTSA Psychology Club

2 Why Are We here? To provide information pertaining to graduate studies and career options in the field of psychology. Also, to promote volunteer work as it relates to psychology and to encourage student-faculty interaction. To uphold tradition and loyalty to members, as well as to the University of Texas at San Antonio.

3 Meet The Officers President: Saifa Pirani Secretary: Celia Pope
Treasurer: Ellie Mandavi Public Relations Officer: Irene Escobar Social Media Coordinator: Melina Acosta Volunteer Coordinator: Christy Lively Meet The Officers Why are we choosing Psychology Club at UTSA?

4 Meet The Officers President: Saifa Pirani
Bio: When I'm not bent over my desk working on homework, you can find me playing with my baby bird Leo! I am also known as bird lady by all of my friends and my favorite hobby is Netflix Meet The Officers Why are we choosing Psychology Club at UTSA?

5 Meet The Officers Secretary: Celia Pope
Bio: I'll be graduating this December to go on to graduate school. In order to relieve the crushing pressure of graduate apps, I like to google pictures of overweight dogs and be inspired by their weight loss journeys. Meet The Officers Why are we choosing Psychology Club at UTSA?

6 Meet The Officers Treasurer: Ellie Mandavi
Bio: I'm originally Persian. I had lived in 3 different countries in the world and 3 different cities in the U.S.. Since I was a child I was interested in psychology. My favorite show is "friends" and the second favorite is "Office". I love to make new friends everyday. Meet The Officers Why are we choosing Psychology Club at UTSA?

7 Meet The Officers Public Relations Officer: Irene Escobar
Bio: Some of my favorite hobbies include dancing and working out. I love trying new foods and doing adventurous things like kayaking and skydiving. Meet The Officers Why are we choosing Psychology Club at UTSA?

8 Meet The Officers Social Media Coordinator: Melina Acosta
Bio: First and foremost, I am a doting mother of two Persian cats. Aside from candlelit dinners and long walks on the beach, I enjoy laughing, spending time with friends and family, and thinking. Meet The Officers Why are we choosing Psychology Club at UTSA?

9 Meet The Officers Volunteer Coordinator: Christy Lively
Bio: In my free time, you can find me rescuing animals. My favorite thing in the world right now is coffee. It’s rarely out of my hands. To make up for time away from my beloved books, I listen to audiobooks in the car. Girl on a Train is fabulous! Meet The Officers Why are we choosing Psychology Club at UTSA?

10 To Become a Member 6 Volunteer Hours
Attend a Minimum of 3 Meetings per Semester Join the Organization on RowdyLink Pay Dues: $15 – New; $10 – Returning Have an Interest in Psychology To Become a Member What we expect

11 Our Schedule October 6th 7-8PM “What I Wish I Knew” Panel
Last Day for Dues October 20th 7-8PM Grad School Presentation November 3rd 7-8PM The Princeton Review (GRE) November 17th 7-8PM Sandra Morisette, PhD December 1st 7-8PM Dr McNaughton-Cassill September 8th 7-8PM Introduction, The Benefits of Membership, September 22cnd 7-8PM SASH Presentation

12 Show your Pride! This year, we are getting NEW SHIRTS! We will be available to take orders for you.



15 San Antonio state hospital
Please Sign Up!

16 Dr. Smith is in the process of forming a panel of students to gain insight and information into how the Department is working for the most important people in it – YOU! We are in need of two Volunteers willing to voice their opinions about the Department and what can be done to improve it. Advisory Panel Please Sign Up!

17 What are you interested in?
Tell us what you want to see/do/experience. What Questions Do You Have?

18 Questions? Let’s Get Social Facebook: UTSA Psychology Club
Questions? We’ve got answers!

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