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LIMB MUSCLES Upload “8.24 Limb muscle worksheet” to eBackpack.

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Presentation on theme: "LIMB MUSCLES Upload “8.24 Limb muscle worksheet” to eBackpack."— Presentation transcript:

1 LIMB MUSCLES Upload “8.24 Limb muscle worksheet” to eBackpack

2 Limb muscles Muscles of the limb function in: movement grasping

3 Color Key: Purple: Muscles that move the upper arm Orange: Muscles that move the forearm Brown: Muscles that move the hand

4 Anterior superficial muscles of the shoulder and arm

5 Posterior superficial muscles of the arm
Extensor digiti minimi 14

6 Name 2 muscles that are synergists to the biceps brachii
Name 2 muscles that are synergists to the biceps brachii. Brachialis and Brachioradialis How did the triceps brachii get its name? It has 3 origins It is an arm muscle

7 What is the action of the anterior forearm muscles
What is the action of the anterior forearm muscles? Flexion of the hand What is the action of the posterior forearm muscles? Extension of the hand

8 Click on the picture to watch a tutorial on arm muscles

9 Find the muscles on your body.
Word Bank: Biceps brachii, Deltoid, Extensor digitorum, Extensor carpi radialis longus,Triceps brachii,

10 Word Bank: Brachioradialis, Extensor carpi ulnaris, Extensor digitorum, Flexor carpi ulnaris

11 Word Bank: Brachioradialis, Flexor carpi radialis, Flexor carpi ulnaris, Palmaris longus

12 Color Key: Teal: moves the thigh Gray: moves the lower leg Pink: moves the foot

13 Anterior superficial muscles of the leg
Which muscle do you think is associated with a pulled groin? Why do you think there is an * next to numbers 8, 9,10? Part of the quadriceps group (vastus intermedius not shown.)

14 Posterior superficial muscles of the leg
What is special about the gluteus maximus? It is the largest muscle of the body. Why is there an * next to numbers 18,19 and 20? They belong to the hamstring group.

15 What is the longest muscle of the body and shown on the anterior leg diagram? Sartorius How did the vastus lateralis get its name? Size- large, direction- side If the iliacus and psoas major flex the leg, are they antagonists or synergists? Synergists Does the adductor longus move the leg laterally or medially? medially

16 Click on the picture to watch a tutorial on leg muscles

17 Find the muscles on your body
Word Bank: Biceps femoris, Fibularis longus, Gastrocnemius, Soleus, Vastus lateralis,

18 Word Bank: Gastrocnemius, Gracilis, Rectus femoris, Tibialis anterior, Vastus lateralis, Vastus medialis,

19 Key Purple- move upper arm Light brown- flex the hand Orange- Move the forearm Dark brown- extend the hand A Deltoid B Pectoralis major C Biceps brachii D Corocobrachialis E Triceps brachii F Brachialis G Brachioradialis H Flexor carpi radialis I Palmaris longus J Flexor carpi unlaris

20 K Extensor carpi radialis longus
L Anconeus M Extensor digitorum N Extensor digiti minimi O Extensor carpi ulnaris

21 Color Key: Gray moves lower leg
Teal moves the thigh Pink moves the foot A Vastus lateralis B Gracilis C Adductor Longus D Sartorius E Rectus femoris F Vastus medialis G Fibularis (Peroneus) longus H Gastrocnemius I Tibialis Anterior J Soleus

22 K Gluteus maximus L Adductor magnus M Semitendinosus N Biceps femoris O Gracilis P Semimembranosus Q Gastrocnemius R Soleus S Flexor digitorum longus

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